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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 201

"In faith, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "to all appearance thou art no

sounder in thy wits than I."

"I am not so mad," answered Sancho, "but I am more peppery; but apart

from all this, what has your worship to eat until I come back? Will you

sally out on the road like Cardenio to force it from the shepherds?"

"Let not that anxiety trouble thee," replied Don Quixote, "for even if I

had it I should not eat anything but the herbs and the fruits which this

meadow and these trees may yield me; the beauty of this business of mine

lies in not eating, and in performing other mortifications."

"Do you know what I am afraid of?" said Sancho upon this; "that I shall

not be able to find my way back to this spot where I am leaving you, it

is such an out-of-the-way place."

"Observe the landmarks well," said Don Quixote, "for I will try not to go

far from this neighbourhood, and I will even take care to mount the

highest of these rocks to see if I can discover thee returning; however,

not to miss me and lose thyself, the best plan will be to cut some

branches of the broom that is so abundant about here, and as thou goest

to lay them at intervals until thou hast come out upon the plain; these

will serve thee, after the fashion of the clue in the labyrinth of

Theseus, as marks and signs for finding me on thy return."

"So I will," said Sancho Panza, and having cut some, he asked his

master's blessing, and not without many tears on both sides, took his

leave of him, and mounting Rocinante, of whom Don Quixote charged him

earnestly to have as much care as of his own person, he set out for the

plain, strewing at intervals the branches of broom as his master had

recommended him; and so he went his way, though Don Quixote still

entreated him to see him do were it only a couple of mad acts. He had not

gone a hundred paces, however, when he returned and said:

"I must say, senor, your worship said quite right, that in order to be

able to swear without a weight on my conscience that I had seen you do

mad things, it would be well for me to see if it were only one; though in

your worship's remaining here I have seen a very great one."

"Did I not tell thee so?" said Don Quixote. "Wait, Sancho, and I will do

them in the saying of a credo," and pulling off his breeches in all haste

he stripped himself to his skin and his shirt, and then, without more

ado, he cut a couple of gambados in the air, and a couple of somersaults,

heels over head, making such a display that, not to see it a second time,

Sancho wheeled Rocinante round, and felt easy, and satisfied in his mind

that he could swear he had left his master mad; and so we will leave him

to follow his road until his return, which was a quick one.

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