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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 135

They did so, and placed themselves on a rising ground from which the two

droves that Don Quixote made armies of might have been plainly seen if

the clouds of dust they raised had not obscured them and blinded the

sight; nevertheless, seeing in his imagination what he did not see and

what did not exist, he began thus in a loud voice:

"That knight whom thou seest yonder in yellow armour, who bears upon his

shield a lion crowned crouching at the feet of a damsel, is the valiant

Laurcalco, lord of the Silver Bridge; that one in armour with flowers of

gold, who bears on his shield three crowns argent on an azure field, is

the dreaded Micocolembo, grand duke of Quirocia; that other of gigantic

frame, on his right hand, is the ever dauntless Brandabarbaran de

Boliche, lord of the three Arabias, who for armour wears that serpent

skin, and has for shield a gate which, according to tradition, is one of

those of the temple that Samson brought to the ground when by his death

he revenged himself upon his enemies. But turn thine eyes to the other

side, and thou shalt see in front and in the van of this other army the

ever victorious and never vanquished Timonel of Carcajona, prince of New

Biscay, who comes in armour with arms quartered azure, vert, white, and

yellow, and bears on his shield a cat or on a field tawny with a motto

which says Miau, which is the beginning of the name of his lady, who

according to report is the peerless Miaulina, daughter of the duke

Alfeniquen of the Algarve; the other, who burdens and presses the loins

of that powerful charger and bears arms white as snow and a shield blank

and without any device, is a novice knight, a Frenchman by birth, Pierres

Papin by name, lord of the baronies of Utrique; that other, who with

iron-shod heels strikes the flanks of that nimble parti-coloured zebra,

and for arms bears azure vair, is the mighty duke of Nerbia,

Espartafilardo del Bosque, who bears for device on his shield an

asparagus plant with a motto in Castilian that says, Rastrea mi suerte."

And so he went on naming a number of knights of one squadron or the other

out of his imagination, and to all he assigned off-hand their arms,

colours, devices, and mottoes, carried away by the illusions of his

unheard-of craze; and without a pause, he continued, "People of divers

nations compose this squadron in front; here are those that drink of the

sweet waters of the famous Xanthus, those that scour the woody Massilian

plains, those that sift the pure fine gold of Arabia Felix, those that

enjoy the famed cool banks of the crystal Thermodon, those that in many

and various ways divert the streams of the golden Pactolus, the

Numidians, faithless in their promises, the Persians renowned in archery,

the Parthians and the Medes that fight as they fly, the Arabs that ever

shift their dwellings, the Scythians as cruel as they are fair, the

Ethiopians with pierced lips, and an infinity of other nations whose

features I recognise and descry, though I cannot recall their names. In

this other squadron there come those that drink of the crystal streams of

the olive-bearing Betis, those that make smooth their countenances with

the water of the ever rich and golden Tagus, those that rejoice in the

fertilising flow of the divine Genil, those that roam the Tartesian

plains abounding in pasture, those that take their pleasure in the

Elysian meadows of Jerez, the rich Manchegans crowned with ruddy ears of

corn, the wearers of iron, old relics of the Gothic race, those that

bathe in the Pisuerga renowned for its gentle current, those that feed

their herds along the spreading pastures of the winding Guadiana famed

for its hidden course, those that tremble with the cold of the pineclad

Pyrenees or the dazzling snows of the lofty Apennine; in a word, as many

as all Europe includes and contains."

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