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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 134

Don Quixote turned to look and found that it was true, and rejoicing

exceedingly, he concluded that they were two armies about to engage and

encounter in the midst of that broad plain; for at all times and seasons

his fancy was full of the battles, enchantments, adventures, crazy feats,

loves, and defiances that are recorded in the books of chivalry, and

everything he said, thought, or did had reference to such things. Now the

cloud of dust he had seen was raised by two great droves of sheep coming

along the same road in opposite directions, which, because of the dust,

did not become visible until they drew near, but Don Quixote asserted so

positively that they were armies that Sancho was led to believe it and

say, "Well, and what are we to do, senor?"

"What?" said Don Quixote: "give aid and assistance to the weak and those

who need it; and thou must know, Sancho, that this which comes opposite

to us is conducted and led by the mighty emperor Alifanfaron, lord of the

great isle of Trapobana; this other that marches behind me is that of his

enemy the king of the Garamantas, Pentapolin of the Bare Arm, for he

always goes into battle with his right arm bare."

"But why are these two lords such enemies?"

"They are at enmity," replied Don Quixote, "because this Alifanfaron is a

furious pagan and is in love with the daughter of Pentapolin, who is a

very beautiful and moreover gracious lady, and a Christian, and her

father is unwilling to bestow her upon the pagan king unless he first

abandons the religion of his false prophet Mahomet, and adopts his own."

"By my beard," said Sancho, "but Pentapolin does quite right, and I will

help him as much as I can."

"In that thou wilt do what is thy duty, Sancho," said Don Quixote; "for

to engage in battles of this sort it is not requisite to be a dubbed


"That I can well understand," answered Sancho; "but where shall we put

this ass where we may be sure to find him after the fray is over? for I

believe it has not been the custom so far to go into battle on a beast of

this kind."

"That is true," said Don Quixote, "and what you had best do with him is

to leave him to take his chance whether he be lost or not, for the horses

we shall have when we come out victors will be so many that even

Rocinante will run a risk of being changed for another. But attend to me

and observe, for I wish to give thee some account of the chief knights

who accompany these two armies; and that thou mayest the better see and

mark, let us withdraw to that hillock which rises yonder, whence both

armies may be seen."

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