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Death's Excellent Vacation (Sookie Stackhouse 9.5)

Page 17

A last tug on my underwear had them off, and Bones spread my legs, positioning himself to stand between them. I opened his shirt, tonguing his flesh from his neck to his chest, awash in the heightened sensations of supernatural energy, lust, and power that came from Bones and the club above us. He squeezed my br**sts, his fingers teasing my ni**les rigid even through my bra and dress. Hard, bare skin rubbed me below as he tugged down his pants. I arched against him, moaning into his mouth. Need throbbed within me. The table and walls vibrated from music pumping above us. To me, it seemed like everything was shuddering with passion. "Now, " I gasped. He pushed deeply into me, the merging of our flesh sending waves of pleasure through my nerve endings. The invisible currents of his power seemed to sink into me with each new stroke.

I sank my fangs into his neck, feeling him shudder with a different kind of enjoyment. Blood filled my mouth, bringing a rush of ecstasy that his strong, smooth thrusts only heightened. I sucked harder, feeling his pace increase as the tension inside me built. I bit him again, crying out when his grasp tightened and he ground himself against me. A flood of emotions seared my subconscious. I could feel Bones's control crumbling under the jagged slices of pleasure assaulting it. Felt the rapture shooting up his body when he abandoned that control and let lust have reign. Felt passion blasting through me as he yanked me even closer, thrusting with a sensual frenzy that would have hurt me if I were human, but only felt incredible now. Then I felt his fangs pierce my neck and my blood being pulled out. The music swallowed up our cries as we rocked together, faster and harder, drinking each other's blood, until both of us trembled from orgasm.

"That was really inappropriate, " I said several minutes later while I straightened my clothes. Bones laughed, low and sinful. "After being denied a week, I haven't begun to get inappropriate with you, Kitten, but I will. "

"I'm serious. " I might have an excuse, since decreased control over urges, food or otherwise, was a side effect of being a new vampire, but Bones had been dead a long time. "We're supposed to be guarding Tammy, not sneaking off for a quickie. " "Who knows how many more days we'll be holed up with your mum and Tammy? I wasn't wasting this opportunity. Besides, Verses is the owner of this club and he's a friend. Tammy's safe. He's probably twirling her around the dance floor as we speak. " That made me feel less guilty. We were supposed to be on vacation, after all, and the past week of sleeping together without anything else happening had been taking its toll on me, too. I brought my attention back to business. "Time to mingle with the local lowlifes and see if anyone's heard about a hitter after a human?" Bones grinned. "People do talk about all sorts of things when they're out having a bit of fun. Let's see if we can find out anything useful. "

Chapter Eleven


TRUE to Bones's prediction, we found Tammy on the dance floor with Verses. The ghoul could dance like nobody's business, too. Tammy looked happier than I'd seen her all week. "It can't be time to go yet, " she said once she saw us. "Not yet, " Bones replied. "Verses, mate, point out one of your most gossipy regulars, but someone who can still be taken seriously. " With his height, it was easy for Verses to see over the other people. After a few seconds, he gestured at a bar manned by a beautiful vampire covered only in dark blue body glitter. "See the gray- haired vampire sitting on the end? Name's Poppy. He tells too many stories to be trusted with a secret, but he doesn't make up what he hasn't heard. "

"Smashing. I'd appreciate it if you kept your staff from mentioning that I was here tonight--or my wife. Trixie recognized us. Maybe a few more of them, too. " Verses gave Bones a look. "Bite is a haven for our kind. You're not intending to break my rules, are you?" Bones clapped him on the back. "I won't do anything on your premises. After all, I intend to come back here with my wife. We still have some areas left to explore. "

If it were possible, I'd have blushed at the blatant innuendo. Verses just laughed. Tammy looked bored. "Why don't you do whatever it is you're going to do while I stay with Verses and dance?" Tammy suggested. I was glad to change the subject. "Verses might have other things to do, Tammy. " "Keeping a pretty lady happy always takes priority, " Verses said, winking at her. Bones tugged my hand. "This shouldn't take too long, Kitten. " We left Tammy on the dance floor with the ghoul to head toward the glittering blue bartender and the gray-haired undead gossip.

I sat a few seats away from Bones at the bar, dividing my attention between eavesdropping on him and keeping an eye on Tammy. So far, she seemed to be fine, and Verses had been right; the wrinkled vampire next to Bones didn't need much prodding to start chattering. Bones let him pick the topics for the first half hour or so, then he turned the conversation. "Bloody economy's got us all buggered, " Bones declared, draining his whisky in one gulp. "Take me. Three years ago, I'm living the posh life off my investments. Today, I'm guarding a human to scrape by. Like to stake myself and save the embarrassment, I would. " Poppy snickered. "What're you guarding a human against? Tax evasion?" They both laughed, and then Bones lowered his voice conspiratorially. "No, mate, against her relative. In truth, I wonder if I shouldn't be on the other side of this coin. " Even across the bar, I could see the gleam of interest in Poppy's eyes. "What other side?" Bones leaned in, lowering his voice even further until I could barely hear him. "The side that gets paid more if the whiny brat dies. Faith, if I knew how to contact the chit's smarmy cousin, I'd take that job instead of the one I've got. Then I'd get a meal out of it to boot. " Poppy chewed on his drink straw. "Can't ya find out from the girl where this relative is?"

"She doesn't know. Believe me, I asked with the brights on. " Bones tapped under his eye for emphasis. "I can't take another month of this. I'll eat her and then get no bloody money from anyone. " Poppy glanced around. I looked away, pretending to study my drink. When I strained, I caught his reply. "Had a fellow here last night. He's in the population reduction business, if you know what I mean, and he was laughin' about this job where hired meat tried to use a bone muncher to tidy things up on a contract that was runnin' long. You'll never guess what happened. Somehow, the bone muncher ends up dead. Dead! Then the mark disappears. The way I heard it, now the meat's worried about his contract gettin' canceled. " Forty minutes later, this finally pays off, I thought. "You hear the name of this meat?" Bones asked casually. "I might be interested in helping him out once I'm finished with this job. " "Think I heard the fellow call him Serpentine.

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