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Page 27

"You are Mrs. Martin's nurse, I believe, and the girl I saw at the

asylum?" said she frigidly.

"Yes, madam; I am Lilly's sister; you said I might come and see her.

Oh, if you only knew how miserable I have been since we were parted,

you would not look so coldly at me! Do, please, let me see her. Oh,

don't deny me!"

These words were uttered in a tone of imploring agony.

"I am very sorry you happen to be her sister, and I assure you,

child, it pains me to refuse you; but, when you remember the

circumstances, you ought not to expect to associate with her as you

used to do. She will be educated to move in a circle very far above

you; and you ought to be more than willing to give her up, when you

know how lucky she has been in securing a home of wealth. Besides,

she is getting over the separation very nicely indeed, and if she

were to see you even once it would make matters almost as bad as

ever. I dare say you are a good girl, and will not trouble me any

further. My husband and I are unwilling that you should see Lilly

again; and though I am very sorry I am forced to disappoint you, I

feel that I am doing right."

The petitioner fell on her knees, and, extending her arms, said

huskily: "Oh, madam! are we to be parted forever? I pray you, in the name of

God, let me see her! let me see her!"

Mrs. Grayson was not a cruel woman, far from it, but she was

strangely weak and worldly. The idea of a hired nurse associating

familiarly with her adopted daughter was repulsive to her

aristocratic pride, and therefore she hushed the tones of true

womanly sympathy, and answered resolutely: "It pains me to refuse you; but I have given good reasons, and

cannot think of changing my determination. I hope you will not annoy

me by any future efforts to enter my house. There is a present for

you. Good-evening."

She tossed a five-dollar gold piece toward the kneeling figure, and,

closing the door, locked it on the inside. The money rolled

ringingly down the steps, and the grating sound of the key, as it

was hurriedly turned, seemed typical of the unyielding lock which

now forever barred the child's hopes. The look of utter despair gave

place to an expression of indescribable bitterness. Springing from

her suppliant posture, she muttered with terrible emphasis: "A curse on that woman and her husband! May God answer their prayers

as she has answered mine!"

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