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Page 26

Day after day passed monotonously, and, except a visit from Eugene,

there was no link added to the chain which bound Beulah to the past.

That brief visit encouraged and cheered the lonely heart, yearning

for affectionate sympathy, yet striving to hush the hungry cry and

grow contented with its lot. During the second week of her stay

little Johnny was taken sick, and he had become so fond of his new

attendant that no one else was permitted to hold him.

Often she paced the chamber floor for hours, lulling the fretful babe with

softly sung tunes of other days, and the close observer, who could

have peered at such times into the downcast eyes, might have easily

traced in the misty depths memories that nestled in her heart's

sanctuary. The infant soon recovered, and one warm, sunny afternoon,

when Mrs. Martin directed Beulah to draw him in his wicker carriage

up and down the pavement before the door, she could no longer

repress the request which had trembled on her lips more than once,

and asked permission to take her little charge to Mrs. Grayson's. A

rather reluctant assent was given, and soon the carriage was drawn

in the direction of Mr. Grayson's elegant city residence.

A marvelous change came over the wan face of the nurse as she paused

at the marble steps, guarded on either side by sculptured lions. "To

see Lilly." The blood sprang to her cheeks, and an eager look of

delight crept into the eyes. The door was partially opened by an

insolent-looking footman, whose hasty glance led him to suppose her

one of the numerous supplicants for charity, who generally left that

princely mansion as empty-handed as they came. He was about to close

the door; but, undaunted by this reception, she hastily asked to see

Mrs. Grayson and Lillian Benton.

"Mrs. Grayson is engaged, and there is no such person here as

Lillian Benton. Miss Lilly Grayson is my young mistress' name; but I

can tell you, her mamma don't suffer her to see the like of you; so

be off."

"Lilly is my sister, and I must see her. Tell Mrs. Grayson Beulah

Benton wishes to see her sister; and ask her also if Claudia may not

see me."

She dropped the tongue of the carriage, and the thin hands clutched

each other in an agony of dread, lest her petition should be

refused. The succeeding five minutes seemed an eternity to her, and,

as the door opened again, she leaned forward and held her breath,

like one whose fate was in the balance. Costly silk and dazzling

diamonds met her gaze. The settled lines of Mrs. Grayson's pretty

mouth indicated that she had a disagreeable duty to perform, yet had

resolved to do it at once, and set the matter forever at rest.

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