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Agent with a History

Page 65

I stepped down the stairs quietly not wanting to be heard, but he was at the bottom waiting for me within moments.

"Absolutely beautiful." He said, and I couldn't meet his eyes and instead felt my face flushing.

His fingers lifted my chin up and before I knew what he was doing he was kissing me. I stared at him a little shocked, when he drew back. He reached up and rubbed a finger across my bottom lip sensuously before his eyes rose and met mine.

"There's nothing wrong with kissing and I intend on kissing you a lot more. I just didn't want our kiss earlier to go farther than our relationship should just yet. There is no reason why you should be embarrassed of yourself because of your kiss and invitation earlier. I want that too, just not yet, understand?"

"Yes." I paused for a moment. "Thank you for being a gentleman. I've never met anyone like you before."

He smiled charmingly "And fortunately for you, you'll never have to meet another."

He opened the front door from which all the bars and mesh had magically disappeared and ushered me out into the warm evening air with a hand on the small of my back.

What had he meant by that last statement?

I had the best evening of my life. He took me to a swanky restaurant that I don't think I'd ever have had the nerve to go to alone much less be able to get a reservation to. We walked right in and were seated at one of the best tables in the place, without a reservation.

Apparently Flint was something of a regular here and a well liked one by the owner. We ate, but most of all we talked. I couldn't exactly remember what we had talked about now, other than it had been a little bit about everything and nothing in particular.

It had been great and sometime during the laughing and aimless talking I had fallen in love with him. I had never wanted it to end, but he hadn't disappointed me any when we had gotten back to the house after our dinner that had stretched past three hours in length.

He had taken me up to my room and pressed me back up against the door and kissed me into passionate oblivion. At some point he had stopped and opened the door and gently pushed me inside before closing the door and walking away.

I had slipped the night dress on that he had been thoughtful enough to buy me and crawled into the super comfortable bed, my mind and heart awash with all things Flint.

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