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Agent with a History

Page 64

He pulled a little first aid kit out of a bag. "Still you should take precaution and get it cleaned right and bandaged."

Something wild went through me and I brushed by him and sat down on the bed in front of him. Reaching up I pulled the robe off my shoulder. He just looked at the bare shoulder and said, "I meant you."

"Well, you're here, so why not?" He opened the kit and soon had the burn cleaned and bandaged. I let the robe slide back and then I pulled it up to reveal the outside of my thigh.

Hesitantly, he kneeled down in front of me and soon had it treated too. He glanced up at me and, as if more to himself than to me, he said, "I should probably go now."

He got up and went to the door and I followed him. A little desperately I asked, "Flint?"

He turned back and I leaned up and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and my hands were on their way up to wrap around his neck, when he caught them and leaned back breaking the kiss.

We stared at each other breathing heavy for a few moments. Why had he stopped?

"Today has been a very emotional day for you. Trust me, I'm not against kissing you and a lot more, but I'm not going to take advantage of how you're feeling right now. I think by now you've guessed how very much I want you, but I'm man enough to win you on my own merits and not take advantage of a weak moment on your part. Take your time getting dressed and, when you're ready, I'll take you out to dinner."

He let go of my hands and stepped back and closed the door softly. I rubbed my hands into my eye sockets savagely. What had I been doing? What must he think of me?

This wasn't like me at all! As embarrassed as I was right now, I wished I was still kissing him. One thing was for sure, he was showing me that I could trust him, even as I increasingly discovered that I couldn't trust myself, especially around him.

I looked through the clothes. He had done a very good job! Not everything was stuff that I would have bought, but it wasn't going to look bad on me either. It was just different, more colorful than my more reserved color choices often were. Now all I had to do was to get dressed and go face him after the fool I had made of myself. That wasn't going to be easy.

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