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Agent with a History

Page 128

The room held three occupants. Two instantly rose to their feet, their hands gripped anxiously together. A third gray haired figure rose up more slowly. They all became more clear to me as I drew nearer. The light olive skinned features paired with the black curly hair were a match for my own darker skinned features. It was really true! This really was my family!

The older gray haired lady, still beautiful even despite the depth of the sorrows of her life, approached steadily, her cheeks wet with tears. Her hands rose up to frame my face and I saw a world of kindness and love in her eyes and I felt myself begin to lose it. "Oh my precious dear! It's okay you're safe now!" I lost it and pressed my face down onto her time worn shoulder and cried. My two aunts closed in on me from the sides and I felt their arms close tight about me, even as their tears started to dampen my dress. I was home, at long last.

James stepped back as he rubbed the moisture off of his cheeks. He loved Lisa more then life itself and he couldn't help but get a little emotional at the outpouring of so much grief and despair now gone to be replaced with the vibrancy of the present.

He hadn't told Lisa everything. He'd said the three women had acted like mothers to him, but the truth was they were the only motherly figures he'd ever known for the most part. He didn't remember his father and his mother was but a vague memory. His upbringing had been as tumultuous if not worse than Lisa's had been. In his love for the three women, who had showered him with nurturing affection, he had continued the Contessa's search for her long lost daughter using the resources available to him.

He had spent millions, but got nowhere. As happy as he was for Lisa in this moment, he was just as happy for the other three women as well. Lisa was a good six inches taller than the other women, but somehow the Contessa's face appeared and she crooked a finger at him, as she held her granddaughter to her tightly.

He had been summoned. He stepped forward reluctant to join the emotional huddle. Her arthritic hand reached out and grasped his squeezing firmly, as her eyes told him the depth of her gratitude in a way inexpressible by words. It was a good day for all of them.

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