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Agent with a History

Page 127

Tears fell in a steady river down my face as I listened not wanting to believe, but knowing he wasn't lying to me.

"Then in the course of my work I heard chatter of a treasure of legend being hunted for by a lot of international entities. My associates and I looked into it and surprisingly found good bones to back up the possible existence of such a treasure. It became immediately clear what a disaster such a treasure in anyone's hand could wreck. So we went about finding it too, only we intended to destroy it. I delved into the history of the treasure I learned about the Candace's, in particular the last one and then the rumor that she'd had a protégé for two years. I traced the girl back to Iya Muatombo and found out his affliction in the whole deal. I'd had a run in with him in previous years so I kept my distance, but I did find out that the girl ran away and got a description of her. Later a savvy New York detective butts into my fact finding mission. You matched the descriptions and I was almost positive it was you. You verified it when you went to go see your father. I payed your father a visit like I told you and he told me your life's story. In the process he told me about where he had gotten your mother and I couldn't believe it. In a way I think I had known there was something familiar about you, but I couldn't place it until he told me what he did. I know this is hard for you Lisa, and I'm going to help you get through every step of it."

He got out of the car and came around to my side and opened the door.

He extended his hand to help me out, but I shook my head no, "I can't! I need more time!"

"There's already been too much time Lisa." He said, as he stooped and pulled me up out of the car.

I resisted his advance toward the huge front doors, but the steady firm pressure of his hand on the small of my back forced me along.

"Please James! Please don't make me face this!" I begged.

"I love you and I'll be with you every step of the way darling."

The big doors opened and I stepped into the cool interior of the villa's foyer. The villa's grandness held no allure to me right now, all that registered was the gentle pressure of James hand pushing me onward.

We stopped at a closed door and James reached for the handle. I caught his hand. He pulled my hand free and kissed it, before opening the door wide to reveal an elegant sitting room. He stepped behind me and pressed me deeper into the room, as he whispered encouragements and endearments into my ear that kept my feet moving forward.

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