I’m not going to complain.

“Check out the fish-eye staring at you,” I murmur, pointing to the fish in the middle of the table on a platter surrounded by lemons.

“Don’t turn me off my food.” He frowns. “Sick.”

I lean over and poke it with my fork, which has him skidding back in his chair. “Shit, Tiani.” He laughs. “That’s wrong.”

“Reign,” Slutena says, causing us both to turn and stare at her.

Talk about a sourpuss. Her lips are in an angry pout. What, bitch? Can’t stand him having fun?

“Yes?” Reign says.

“I was wondering if I could have a word before the auctions start? Outside?”

Reign glances at me, then back to her. “Sure.”

She’s going in for the kill; I can feel it with everything I am.

I watch as he leaves the room with her, and suddenly I’m uncomfortable. Everyone around me seems to be talking too loud, their voices only causing my thoughts to spin harder and faster. Needing fresh air, I excuse myself from the table and rush out the back entrance. As soon as I get outside, I lean against the brick wall and just take a minute to breathe.

It’s fine, you’re doing great.

They’re only talking.

Shit, what does it matter? All these ridiculous feelings that seem to be building for Reign are just that: ridiculous. There is no prize for second best, and that’s all I am. He’s not interested in me, and even if he was, there is no competition. While Slutena wants him, Slutena will get him.

I take another shaky breath and head back in to join the party.

I have a feeling it will be a long night.


I’m not wrong.

By the time the auctions are done, I’m ready to go home and get these damned shoes off my feet. They’re sexy and all, but shit, new shoes hurt.

Reign disappeared outside again with Slutena about half an hour ago, and he hasn’t come back. My guess is they’ve finally decided to start talking about what happened, and that conversation has become intense.

When an hour passes, I start wondering if he’s actually still here. I shove out of my chair and walk outside. No Reign. I search the back area, and even near the toilets. He’s not here. My heart aches as I realize he’s left me alone again. Jesus, letting me know wouldn’t be so hard. My chest seizes when I think of how much fun we had tonight.

That’ll teach me for believing I meant anything.

I’m just a toy in his game.

I don’t bother turning to go back to the function; instead, I walk off down the street. Alcohol, Autumn, and possibly a sexy man is all I need. Fuck Reign. Fuck him and the big, ugly horse he rode in on.

I round a corner, stepping into a side alley, when I notice a group of men standing at the other end. An eerie feeling washes over me, and instinct tells me to turn around.

I do.

“Hey,” one of them says. “Wait up.”

Keep walking. Head down. Don’t speak.

“I just want a lighter.”

Fuck your lighter.

I get just around the corner when his hand comes out and curls around mine. I shiver and my stomach lurches. I face him and see he’s a younger man, but his skin is pale and his eyes a sunken. A junkie.

“I don’t have a lighter,” I snap, tugging my arm from his.

“No need to get pissy,” he says, staring down at my short dress. “Just askin’.”

“Well, don’t. Excuse me.”

He takes my arm again. “Just a second, sweetie. I think we might have something that could help loosen you up.”

My heart pounds fast as his friends near. There are five of them that I can count. The words gang and rape play over and over in my head as I try to tug my arm from the young man’s.

“Let me go. My boyfriend is looking for me.”

One of them snorts.

“Good try, love.” He chuckles. “That line doesn’t work. If your boyfriend was looking for you, you wouldn’t be out here, alone, in the dark.”

Dammit. He’s right.

“Please,” I beg. “Just let me go.”

“We won’t hurt you,” the biggest one says, stepping closer and forcing me to back up against the wall. “Just a little taste.”


I frantically look around, desperately looking for a way out. Even if I kick one in the balls, the others will take me down. I’ve no chance against this many men. The bigger man puts his hand on my hip and I squirm, attempting to kick out. His hand clasps over my mouth as he slams me harder against the wall, his other hand sliding up underneath my dress.

“She’s got a mighty fine body.” He laughs to his friends. “Have a feel.”

I open my mouth to scream, but the only sound that leaves my throat is a muffled cry. Tears cascade down my cheeks as his hand slides over my ass, cupping it roughly. There’s another hand on my breast, and another lowering my dress.

I kick my heel out, hitting the main man in the shin. He roars and stumbles backwards, releasing my mouth. I scream. I give it everything I can, screaming so loudly one of them actually presses his hands over his ears. A resounding slap causes my head to jerk sideways, and then I hear someone say, “Fuck.”

I turn myself back towards them, ready to run, when the young man literally soars past my head. He lands with a crack on the ground, blood pouring from his mouth as he rolls to his side, groaning in pain. Then I hear the thumping sounds of a fist connecting with bone, and I turn to see . . . Reign?

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