The rest was confusing to her, a kaleidoscope of swirling colors and sounds. “You’re going to be okay,” Nate told her. She must’ve asked about Sarah, because he said that, in time, she’d be fine, too.

Feeling stronger as Nate led her away from the crowd, she allowed someone she didn’t even know to help her into a Jeep. Nate was getting in, too. That was all that mattered. She was going where he was going, and the man behind the wheel said that was the hospital.


This diamond was the real thing. Rachel had been wearing it for three days, ever since Nate had surprised her with it in Prescott, but she still couldn’t believe he’d actually proposed. As they drove away from the cabin where they’d spent the previous two nights, she kept glancing down at the large solitaire as if it might disappear. A lot had changed in the past two weeks. Not only were they engaged, they’d taken time off to visit tourist sites in Arizona; in fact, they’d been on the road ever since Nate’s release from the hospital. Rachel thought she’d never had more fun. The Grand Canyon had been the final stop on their list. They were on their way home now. But she didn’t mind. Nate was planning to move in with her once they hit L.A. They were looking forward to sharing the rest of their lives with each other.

“What are you thinking?” Nate asked.

The thrumming of the tires had lulled her into a mellow state. Or maybe it was the way Nate had made love to her before they’d left the cabin…. “I’m thinking I’m glad that you fixed the air-conditioning. It’s hot out.”

He gave her a mock scowl. “That’s not what you were thinking.”

She arched her eyebrows. “It’s not?”

“You were thinking how much you like that ring,” he teased.

She laughed. “True. And I was reliving what we did in the shower this morning.”

“Don’t remind me, or I’ll have to pull over. I was hoping to be at least two hours down the road before I was dying to get in your pants again.”

“Such willpower.” Smiling, she laid her head on his shoulder, and he shifted to put his arm around her.

“What do you think Milt and everyone else at Department 6 will say when we tell them we’re getting married?” he asked.

Rachel hesitated. She wasn’t sure Nate was ready for the answer that sprang to her lips. But she was so excited she couldn’t keep her news a secret any longer. She’d almost told him a dozen times already. “Not as much as they’ll have to say when we tell them we’re going to have a baby.”

Suddenly slamming on the brakes, he pulled to the side of the road and turned to give her his undivided attention. “What are you talking about? I mean…are you saying you wonder how they’ll react when we decide to start a family? Or are you saying that we’re already starting a family?”

Butterflies rioted in Rachel’s stomach. She didn’t imagine Nate would have a problem with the pregnancy. It wasn’t as if they’d been able to use any birth control when they’d made love in the Enlightenment Hall. He hadn’t even mentioned birth control since then.

But he’d never said he wanted a child, either.

“I’m saying I took a pregnancy test after we got back from the grocery store yesterday.”


Unsure whether he was excited or upset, she licked her lips in an effort to calm her nerves. “And it was positive.”

“Really?” He gave her a goofy smile. “Wow.”

Wow was good. His expression confirmed it. Rachel knew in that moment that she’d never loved anyone more. Maybe Nate had once been reluctant to return her love, but he hadn’t shown any sign of that since he’d made a commitment to her.

“So…you’re okay with it?” she said.

“Are you kidding me? Come here.” Pulling her closer, he kissed her gently, but it wasn’t long before those gentle kisses turned into hungry ones and his hand found its way up her blouse.

“There’s just one problem,” he said as he unsnapped her bra and raised her shirt so he could gaze down at what he’d uncovered.

Rachel felt her pulse pick up. “What’s that?”

“We’ll have to get another motel room.”


He gave her a lopsided grin. “I’m not going to make it two hours.”

She laughed. “We could do it in the desert….”

“Now you’re thinking,” he said, and drove to the very next turn, which led them to…paradise.

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