“Is anything wrong, Sister?” he asked, steering her off to one side.

Obviously disappointed that he hadn’t given her an opportunity to address her beloved leader, she frowned. “I saw something that troubled me.”

“What’s that?”

She seemed reluctant at first. Bart didn’t have Ethan’s charisma, his way with people, and they often showed their preference for Ethan. But Bart had a better mind, made better decisions. Slowly, the Covenanters seemed to be accepting the duality of leadership. And Maxine served as proof. As soon as she started talking, she lost her initial reluctance.

“At first I thought she was just restless or that she was looking for Ethan, but…the way she went through the place…I know she was snooping around.”

Fortunately, Brother Titherington had engaged Ethan on the landing just inside the metal door.

The Guides were laughing, probably at a joke that had to do with the punishment they’d just dealt out to Martha. Ethan had framed this evening’s activities as an exorcism. He said the devil had taken possession of her soul and caused her to act as she had, which gave them license to be more violent than usual. It had been exceptionally impressive—until the drugs began to hamper Ethan’s performance. When sober, he was magnificent. But he was sober less and less of the time. Bart wasn’t sure what, if anything, he should do about that.

Hoping to prevent Ethan from noticing Maxine, he pulled her farther off to the side, between the racks of food. After the other Guides had filed past, he closed the pit door, keeping Ethan and Titherington inside, where they were still talking, but the dampness of the pit from which they’d emerged clung to his clothes, making the air in the storeroom musty and heavy. “You’re not making sense,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “Who’s snooping?”

“The Vessel!”

“Rachel Mott?”

“Yes. I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to do some knitting. But then I realized I’d forgotten my knitting bag. I was just returning to the Enlightenment Hall to grab it when I saw her slip into Ethan’s office. I almost went to the guards. But…I was afraid the Holy One would be angry if I involved someone else. So I hid in the corridor, where I waited. And watched.”


“She went through the drawers of his desk. I could hear them opening and closing. Then she came out and went upstairs and into the suite.”

“My suite? The Holy One’s chambers?”


“What was she doing in there?”

“I have no idea. I didn’t dare go close enough to listen. There’s no alcove outside that door like there is near the office.”

He immediately thought of Ethan’s drugs. What else would Rachel find in the bedroom? Evidence of their involvement? Maybe. But he didn’t understand why she was even looking. What was she up to? Had he been right about her all along? He’d pressured C.J. to hack into Nate’s computer but the man wasn’t half as good as they’d assumed, or Nate’s encryption was more complicated than most. “Is she still there?”

Someone pushed on the door from inside, but he didn’t react. He had a few seconds before Titherington or Ethan realized it was blocked.

“Maybe. As soon as I saw her go in, I came here.”

Bart’s blood ran cold. If someone like Maxine had a funny feeling about what was going on, he knew there was reason for concern.

“Hey!” Ethan called from inside. “Open the damn door.”

Shocked when he didn’t immediately jump to obey this command, Maxine stared at him.

“The Holy One hasn’t been sleeping well,” Bart explained. “I don’t want him to hear about this tonight. It’ll only upset him. We both know he’d want me to handle it, anyway.”

She nodded. “So should I go see if she’s still up there? Confront her?”

“Bart? Did you leave me?” Ethan called. “Where are you? If this is a joke, it’s not funny.”

“Hey!” Titherington joined Ethan in yelling. “Anybody there? Let us out!”

“I’ll tell you what I want you to do.” Taking Maxine by the elbow, Bart drew her close so he could whisper his instructions in her ear. Even though they hadn’t been able to access Nate’s damn computer, maybe there was another way to figure out exactly who the Motts were and what they were after. If he was clever enough, maybe he could do it without alerting Ethan or the two Guides who were too shit-faced to return to their tents and were planning to stay in the extra rooms on the third floor.

Only after Maxine was gone, did he open the door.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Why’d you shut us in?” Ethan snapped.

“Serves you right for taking so long,” he said. “I’m tired, and it’s my job to lock up and walk the perimeter.”

Had he been less stoned, Ethan might’ve been angry at this retort, but he was flying too high to let his irritation last. And Titherington knew better than to complain about anything. He was Bart’s least favorite of the Guides—other than Joshua. Joshua was as young and attractive as Ethan. But his conscience was beginning to get the best of him. That would eventually make him a security risk.

There was so much to consider when you were running a compound of this size, Bart thought with a sigh. It was the most intriguing game of chess he’d ever played. But whatever move he made against Joshua would have to wait. Tonight, he had the chance to take the queen.


Once Rachel realized she wasn’t being attacked, she calmed down. “You scared the hell out of me!” she whispered. “How’d you get in here?”

Nate stood in the middle of the room, only a foot away from her. The lights were off and had to stay off, but he could see her outline in the moonlight pouring through the window.

“It wasn’t easy. I ran into a couple who stopped me—”


“Yes. I thought for sure it was all over. But they must not have been part of the crowd earlier. They didn’t recognize me. I told them I was a cement contractor Ethan had invited to stay while I worked on the bids for the new school.”

“And they bought it?” she asked incredulously.

“They bought it. Wished me luck and everything. Said they hoped I’d be here for the next Introduction Meeting.”

She whistled. “That was lucky.”

“We were due for a break. What’s been happening around here?”

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