She remember on their senior prom night at an elegant hotel one minute they all three and their dates was enjoying themselves then gun shots could be heard coming from across the street in front of the finest restaurant. The hotel staff informed everyone to gather in the east dinning room where there were no windows and away from the front of the building for safety. The hotel had been ordered to lock the building down because the shooters had not been detained yet. They sat there in fear that the shooter or shooters would come into the hotel by one of the many doors.

A few minutes later Brooklyn was informed that her father and mother had been killed by a drive by shooter after they had dinner there. During the police investigation one of the detectives commented if he didn't know any better the shooting looked like a gangster scene from a movie Her father or mother never did leave a will so their business and estate was going to be put in probate court. Her family's lawyer informed her that she could stay in the little guest house but just untill she left for college which her father had paid tuition for the whole four years and the court' judge said untill her parent's estate was decided she would get a little money every month for school supplies. Copyright 2016 - 2025