He posted the designs on his business website so other people can see them along with information when the first line of cars would be on his car lot for sale. He was also taking orders now from indivuals online.

Brooklyn downloaded the designs onto her account. Mackenzie pulled them up and yes those were the stolen ones of theirs. All three agreed that they got the message but their determination wasn't listening. Mackenzie and Addison decided that they were staying in Europe and see what they coul find. Paris was beautiful at night. Their next stop was Lillie, France. Mackenzie started looking up racing teams and car dealers

She had some good prospects but didn't committ to anyone. She did get one designer to give her one design and would pay for it only if they signed a contract for hire. If they didn't like it they would send it back. She signed a discloser that promised him they would not use that design or give it to anyone else. She wanted to look around.She discussed it with Addison.

They both agree to discuss everything with Brooklyn and their new lawyer Adam which was an old college friend of Addison. Adam Freemont stood a good six foot tall and just barely towered Addison who was extremely tall. She stood at five foot eleven inches barefoot. Nobody could guess her right height when she wore heels unless they knew high heels really good. Women was better at guessing her height more than men.

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