She stopped in there. The raeding lamp was a small lamp with six glass panels with each panel had a disffent indian picture on it. Brooklyn liked the panel that wad of a young indian girl sitting in a field hold a bouquet of wild flowers in her hand. The next panel was an indian woman standing by a horse. then one panel had an indian village on it. She bought it onsight without thinking what the cost was. She thought if I was still struggling I wouldn't even be here and if I was I would have turned around and not even went into the store.

The next morning after their shower they went to the little bar and grill at the motel and had a cup of hot choclate and a donut. They checked out of the motel and drove to the children's home. The inside wasn't as scarry as the outside. They were greeted by the receptionist. Brooklyn wasn't sure how to begin to explain exactly why they were there. She started to talk then stopped and looked at Mackenzie. Mac got her jesture and showed the receptionist while asking to speak to the administrator

The receptionist showed them to the waiting area outside of the administrator's office and inquired if they wanted a cup of coffee while they waited on Ms. Marshall.Their waiting time wasn't long.When Mackenzie introduced both of them to Ms. Marshall she took a step back and smiled. You're here inquiring about your older sister. I can see a lot resemblence to her in you. Your sister was a patient here. She left before I came here to work. Ms. Marshall excused herself to get her sister's old file to give Brooklyn the answer to why her sister was a patient at the facility. Copyright 2016 - 2025