I nod, entranced by the blue of his eyes, deep as midnight in the dark room. He doesn’t realize, this place is only part of what I’ve shared. The things I’ve told I’m tonight, the way I’ve let him in... It’s more than I’ve given any guy before.

“Brit” He murmurs my name, so soft, it’s barely a whisper over the distant crashing of the ocean. “God, what you do to me...”

He trails his index finger down my cheek, along the curve of my jaw, then lower still. I shiver, my eyes falling shut, lost in the darkness and the low, clawing thread of desire. I’m hypnotized, powerless to do anything but feel the shiver of his caress on my skin. Lower, lower, he trails his finger along my collarbone, slowly teasing along the neckline of my dress.

He stops.

My eyes fly open, staring straight into his. He’s watching me, studying me with such intensity, I want to look away, but I can’t, I just gaze back, helpless, as both his hands sweep up along my bare shoulders and then slowly, deliberately, push my thin straps aside.

My heart skips. The dress is flimsy, and I’m not wearing a bra underneath, but there’s no time to feel self-conscious, not when Hunter’s fingertips are dancing across my skin, sending shivers of quicksilver pleasure spiraling out from his touch as he edges the thin fabric lower, lower, until it falls around my waist and my br**sts are bared, pale in the moonlight.

Hunter sucks in a ragged breath.

“God... Brit...” He stares at me, and despite my mindlessness, I feel a thrill from the desperate desire written clear on his beautiful face.

“You’re perfect,” he breathes, staring at me like I’m a work of art, a priceless treasure. “So f**king perfect.”

I catch my breath, waiting for the clumsy assault: the pawing, the rough grope that’s surely coming now. But Hunter barely moves, he just takes that one, perfect finger, and strokes it slowly over the slope of my breast.

I shudder.

He strokes again, tantalizing, and I bite my lip to keep from crying out. The ache in me is coiling tighter, rising higher with every touch. Hunter gently circles one nipple, and then slowly drags his thumb across the tight nub. I whimper, the pressure so sweet, but somehow not enough. I feel myself arching against his hand, my body demanding more.

Hunter lifts his eyes to mine, and gives me a slow, wicked smile. “You like that?” he murmurs, dropping his lips to my neck in a trail of delicate kisses. I shiver against him in answer, my body flooding with an unfamiliar need. “Tell me, he whispers, his tongue wreaking havoc against the column of my throat. “Tell me if you want more.”

And then his hand stills, gentle again, barely brushing my skin. I feel the ache of absence, needing him touch on me again. “Yes!” I manage a strangled sob. “Hunter, please!”

I feel him growl against me, and then both magnificent hands are on me again, claiming me, stroking and teasing, cupping me, driving me wild with need until I’m panting, writhing against him.

“Hunter!” I sob, reckless. He lifts his head in answer, finally returning his lips to mine, capturing my mouth in a kiss of pure wanton need. His lips crash against me, tongue plunging deeper, invading me, and just as I’m lost, delirious in the maelstrom, his thumb and fingers close around my ni**les and squeeze.

Oh god!

I cry out against his mouth, reeling from the sharp delight. Hunter groans, squeezing again, toying and rolling the nubs, sending hot waves of pleasure shooting through me until my legs give way and I clutch against him, reeling and mindless from the pleasure he’s wrought.

Hunter holds me up, like I’m weightless in his strong arms. He guides me to a corner of the room and gently lowers me to the floor, spreading his sweater below me on the ground. I sink down, and he settles himself beside me. Moonlight falls through the window, casting a silver shadow across us both. His hair glints gold, skin shimmering, and his eyes...

They gaze at me with such tenderness, and such desire. As if he’s teetering on the edge, like me, overwhelmed by the emotions crashing over us.

We stay there, suspended for a moment. Waiting, barely breathing, a world of emotion passing silently in the night.

And then he breaks. Reaching for me, Hunter scoops me against his body, rolling to trap me below him as his lips claim mine. Greedily, I kiss him back, my legs parting to wrap around his waist, my hands roving, hungry to touch him. He grabs my ass, pulling me closer, and I slide my palms under his T-shirt, reveling in the feel of smooth skin and the ridge of taut muscle.

His body is perfection.

I arch up against him, my heart stopping as I feel the hard pressure of him between my thighs. But there’s no time to feel shamed or cautious, not with his lips ravaging me, the weight of him pressing me into the floor; the violent, aching desire in me, circling and coiling and crying out for some release.

I tug at his shirt, impatient, and Hunter breaks away, ripping his T-shirt over his head and tossing it aside before laying back and covering my body against with his own. This time, it’s skin on skin, a perfect sensation, heaven right here on earth, but I barely have time to revel in it before Hunter rolls us so I’m straddling his lap.

I gasp for air, finding my balance, reaching to take his face in both my hands as I kiss him with everything I have. He slides his hands down my naked back, over the curve of my ass, still covered by my dress, and then his fingers are on my thighs, dancing upwards, pushing the fabric higher and higher. I shiver, suddenly nervous, but the feel of his caress is too good to stop; the scrape of his teeth against my lower lip, the friction between us. His fingers trace higher, until his thumb grazes the edge of my panties, and sweeps softly across the apex of my thighs.

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