“You guys…” I feel tears well up, overwhelmed by the long day and all the friendly faces around me.

“Oh no!” Lacey cuts me off. She grabs my arm and propels me into the hallway and towards the stairs—surprisingly strong for such a petite pixie of a girl. “No crying. Your eyes will get all red and puffy, and believe me, we’ve got enough problems to be fixing. You got the supplies?” she calls back to Emerson.

“Right here.” He answers with a grin, handing off an armful of bulging bags to Juliet as she follows us upstairs.

Lacey fixes me with a look. “I’m a miracle worker, but I have only one rule. Sit down, and shut up, and do exactly what I say.”

“That’s three rules,” I point out, laughing. My tiredness is fading, pushed away by the infectious enthusiasm swirling all around me.

“You’re right, she is a problem child,” Lacey tells Juliet.


“Relax, kid.” Lacey winks. “By the time I’m through with you, you’re going to look like a million bucks.”

“Can I look yet?” I swivel impatiently in my chair. Lacey’s had me sitting here for an hour now, as she applies my makeup: painting and smoothing with total concentration.


“But we’re late, the party starts at eight—”

“Sit still, or I’ll poke your eye out with a mascara wand.”

“And you better believe her,” Juliet adds, perched on the edge of the bed, watching us. “She nearly blinded me once with an eyeliner.”

“It was worth it though.” Lacey smirks. “I do the best smoky eye.”

“That’s not what you’re doing on me, is it?” I ask, fearful. “Because this is a classy event, super-fancy.”

“Relax.” Lacey rolls her eyes, patting one last layer of powder on my face. “That should fix it. OK, look.”

She turns me to face the mirror for the first time. I gasp.

“Oh my god!”

“Pretty damn good, if I say so myself.” Lacey looks proud, but I can’t take my eyes off my reflection. I look like a polished, gorgeous version of myself: the shadows are gone from under my eyes, and there’s no sign of pale tiredness, just flushed, rosy cheeks, and eyes that shimmer under expertly blended layers of pearly pink eyeshadow. Juliet fixed my hair, pinning it back in a simple up-do and then teasing strands in gentle ringlets to frame my face.

“Thank you,” I breathe, overcome. “Both of you. I could never have done this on my own.”

“Damn right you couldn’t.” Lacey beams, then ducks back from my embrace. “Whoa, no smudging the masterpiece!”

“Go put the dress on,” Juliet urges, checking her watch. “There isn’t much time.”

I go to take the dress from its hanger. The other girls help, lifting the purple silk gently over my head and moving it in place until the bodice is fastened tight, and the skirt pools out in a gentle sway around my legs.

“Well?” I turn to them nervously, smoothing down the bodice. I hand-stitched a hundred tiny crystal beads along the neckline and they shimmer and sparkle in the light. “What do you think? Is it too much?”

“It’s perfect,” Juliet breathes.

“Fucking fantastic,” Lacey echoes, beaming.

I look in the mirror. They’re right: I look like a vision, my sketches come to life in Technicolor glory. The silk hugs every curve of my bodice, curving in at my waist and then spilling out in a flow of rippling silk, delicate as a summer stream.

“OK then.” I swallow. “I guess this is it.”

They wait, but I don’t move, my nerves blossoming to life. “What if this is all a big mistake?” I ask, suddenly panicking.

“It’s not,” Juliet reassures me, moving to my side. She steers me towards the door.

“But what if he never wants to see me again, and I make a total fool of myself, right in front of everyone?”

“Then you drink the free booze and make out with his college buddy,” Lacey links her arm through mine. “What?” She catches a glare from Juliet. “I mean, of course he wants to see you, everything will work out great.”

I’m gathering my things to leave when a noise comes from outside, a loud yell.


We all stop.

“Brit, I know you’re in there!”

My heart leaps. I know that voice in my bones. “It’s Hunter!” I breathe, rushing over to the window. Lacey and Juliet race after me, struggling for the space to look out at the yard below.

Hunter’s down there, looking devastatingly handsome in a black tux, with a stretch limo waiting behind him.

Garrett and Emerson exit the house. “Hey, dude, calm down,” Garrett starts, but Hunter doesn’t listen. He looks up and sees me.

He crosses the yard in a few short strides. “Brit!” he yells up at us. “I know you’re mad, but listen to me a minute, please!”

“What are you doing here?” I call down, not believing my eyes.

“I’m taking you with me.” Hunter calls back. He stares up at me, determination clear in his blue eyes. “I’ve got a dress, everything you need. I’m not going without you.”

I’m speechless.

“Hellooo…” I hear Lacey murmur beside me. “Now I get it.”

“Shh!” Juliet elbows her.

Hunter moves closer, until he’s right underneath the window. “Please, Brit, hear me out,” he begs. “I screwed it up, I know I did, but I’m sorry. God, I’m so f**king sorry. I promised you I’d never leave, and I won’t. I don’t care if it takes forever for you to forgive me, but right now, I need you to come with me. Please Brit, can you just come down here?” He pauses, looking lost.

“I love you.” His voice rings out across the yard, over the distant crashing of the waves. “I don’t know what else I can say. I love you,” he swears again, clasping his hand against his heart. “I always loved you, ever since the very first night we met. You’re my everything, Brit.”

I stare down at him, tears clouding my eyes, and love beating like a thunder in my chest.

He came for me. This man, this beautiful man, who I did everything to push away, he came for me. He loves me, even after everything.

And I love him. God, I love him so much I can barely breathe.

“What are you waiting for?” Juliet hisses. “Go to him!”

I duck back from the window and pick up my skirts, rushing for the stairs.

“Wait, your shoes!” Lacey calls after me, but I don’t slow. I don’t even stop for breath as I hurtle downstairs and burst barefoot out into the yard.

Hunter’s jaw drops. “Holy shit!” He looks at me in amazement. “That dress…”

“I made it.” I explain, my heart pounding. He’s so close to me now I could reach out and touch him, but something makes me stop just a few feet away. “For the party. I was coming for you,” I explain in halting breaths. “Hunter… I’m so sorry.”

His eyes flash with emotion. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.” Hunter closes the distance between us and sweeps me into his arms.

Oh Lord.

The touch of his skin is heaven. I sink against his strong body, a magnet drawn to my true North. But it’s not right, not yet. I place my hands flat against his chest and stare up into those beautiful eyes. “I do,” I insist. “You were right, I’ve been stuck in the past. But all that’s done now, I promise. Whatever you decide, I’m there. I love you,” I add, my voice thick with emotion.

Hunter’s lips curl into a smile of pure joy, and then the moment for talking is done. His lips crash down on mine, hungry and searching and full of sweet relief.


My legs give way with the force of emotion and I fall into the kiss, reaching up to pull him closer, running my fingers through his hair and basking in the pure, gorgeous taste of him.


I could kiss this man forever, lost in a place where nothing else exists, just his lips, and probing tongue, and the heavy grip of his hands around my waist, holding me to him, right where I belong.

I’m never leaving. The knowledge crashes through me, as certain as my desire. No matter what happens, this is it for me. Everything I need in the world.

When my head is spinning and my heart is beating through my chest, Hunter finally breaks away, releasing me. “We better get going,” he grins, catching his breath. “I, uh, think we’ve got an audience.”

I turn, realizing for the first time that everyone is watching. Juliet and Lacey are beaming happily, but Garrett and Emerson are lined up on the porch, watching sternly like they’re ready to tear Hunter limb from limb.

I giggle. “Relax guys,” I call. “Everything’s good!”

Better than good. Perfect.

“This way, m’lady,” Hunter makes an exaggerated bow, moving to open the limo door. I start towards it.

“Wait! Shoes!” Juliet cries, rushing down with my heels and tiny clutch purse. “Lipstick, fresh underwear, condoms,” she whispers with a wink.

“Lacey?” I ask, grinning.

“You know it.” Juliet kisses me on the cheek, then turns to Hunter.

“Take care of her,” she tells him sternly.

“With my life,” Hunter replies, sincere.

I wave them goodbye, and then slip into the limo, marveling at the smooth leather seats and plush interior. Hunter joins me, closing the door behind us.

“I forgot one very important thing,” he tells me, as the engine starts and we glide away.

“What?” I ask, joy still shimmering like stardust in my veins. Just having him beside me is enough; more than I could have ever wanted. I gaze at him, dizzy with happiness.

“I didn’t tell you how unbelievably beautiful you look tonight.” Hunter gently cups my cheek in his hand, staring deep into my eyes.

I blush.

“I mean it.” He gently traces a line down my jaw and along my collarbone. I shiver, electricity sparkling along every nerve. “Your beauty could stop time. I swear, it hurts to look at you.”

“Hunter…” I whisper, hypnotized by the slow stroke of his fingertips, sweeping across my bare shoulders, over and over.

“God, I love it when you say my name.”

I catch my breath as Hunter leans in and gently kisses my neck, slowly running his tongue down the sensitive column of my throat. His voice hums against me. “I love it when you scream my name too.”

I laugh, then gasp for air as he kisses along my neckline, over the tender swell of my breasts. Desire rises in me, hot and swift, flooding through my body as he drops tiny kisses along every inch of bare skin, feather-light, until I’m helpless and shuddering in his arms.

“God, I need you,” I moan, arching up against his mouth. I fumble to find his shirt buttons, trying to pull it from his pants so I can feel the touch of his skin against me. But Hunter catches my wrists, holding me back.

“Not so fast,” he whispers, a look of dark possession in his eyes. “I’m going to kiss you for every moment we were apart. Every second I was away from you.”

He pulls my h*ps closer, pushing me gently back at the same time until I’m laying flat on the leather seat beneath him, his body nestled between my thighs. I gasp, loving the feel of him hard along the length of me, right where he belongs. He kisses his way lazily across my shoulders, taking his sweet time toying along the beaded neckline of my gown until I’m panting, squirming restlessly below him. “How do you get this thing open?” he murmurs, fingers searching at the back of my gown.

“By undoing about a hundred buttons,” I answer. He shifts between my thighs, sending a shock of desire pooling right to my core.

“I guess we’ll just have to find a way around that.” Hunter looks up and meets my eyes with a wicked grin, then slides down my body, sitting up so he’s kneeling between my legs. His gaze never leaves mine as he takes hold of my ankles with each hand and slowly pushes the fabric of my skirt higher.

My pulse kicks.

Hunter tilts his head, watching me, the reaction that must be written clear as day across my face. “I love this dress,” he murmurs, inching the silk higher. “I’m going to love taking it off you later.”

His thumbs brush over the inside of my knees, and I have to close my eyes, gasping at the sensation of the silk on my skin.

“No, baby.” Hunter’s voice comes again, amused. “You’re going to watch this, every moment of what I’m going to do to you.”

His touch stills, and I have to force my eyes open again.

“Better,” Hunter grins, a delicious smile of mischief and pleasure. His hands continue their path higher, until my skirts are bunched up around my hips. He looks down, then lets out a shudder of breath, seeing the pale lace of my panties, delicate and trimmed with whirls of ribbon. “Did you make these too?”

I nod, incapable of words.

“You’re a genius.” Hunter runs his thumb slowly along the edge of the lace, teasing me. I shudder. “I want a private show, every night.”

I nod again.

“I didn’t catch that,” Hunter teases, sweeping his fingertips across my panties, sending ripples of pleasure through me. “What did you say?”

“Yes,” I gasp, tortured. “I’ll show you, whenever you want. Just touch me, please!”

Hunter’s eyes darken. “With pleasure.”

He hooks his thumbs under the fabric of my underwear and slowly eases it down, lifting each of my legs in turn until I’m free. He leans in, kissing slowly up the inside of my thighs until I’m writhing under his touch, my head thrown back in need.

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