“What we need to be mindful of now is not arousing his suspicion. Someone like Tang Xin Sheng has countless ways to leave Iron Cloud Citadel.” Chu Yang pondered, “Moreover, whether Tang Xin Sheng is only a scholar or is also a martial arts master, we still have not yet been able to verify. We need to notify Heavenly Secret Hall to carefully investigate it.”

“I had missed so much!” Wu Qian Qian gasped. Chu Yang had thoroughly analyzed Tang Xin Sheng and Diwu Qing Rou’s psyche all at once.

Wu Qian Qian suddenly felt that if Chu Yang managed to capture Tang Xin Sheng, then Diwu Qing Rou would suffer a great blow! Of course, that was if Chu Yang’s analysis was accurate.

But Chu Yang missed one thing in his analysis, and Wu Qian Qian was keen enough to notice it, “Chu Yang, you still have not talked about how you would deal with a King level master if the enemy does indeed send one? How would we stop him? What do we need to arrange?”

Chu Yang slightly rubbed his temples, and frowned, “This is also something I am worried about. We don’t have a King level master here, so if the enemy sends a King level master, we would have no way to deal with him.”

Chu Yang sighed, “The prince must have one next to him; otherwise, Diwu Qing Rou would have assassinated the prince right here. But if he is sent to protect me then the prince would be in danger. We cannot risk this.”

Wu Qian Qian’s countenance slightly turned pale, “Is there no way at all?”

With a serious look, Chu Yang slowly said, “I can only hope that he does not come too quickly…” Then he slightly shook his head, “With Diwu Qing Rou’s quick and decisive personality, this person is probably already on his way here…”

Wu Qian Qian’s heart suddenly became heavy; looking at Chu Yang, her eyes were almost in tears.

She knew that Chu Yang only had the cultivation level of Martial Warrior; if he ran into a King level assassin, his ability to fight back would be virtually nonexistent! In the face of a King level assassin, Bu Tian Pavilion, in its current state, was nothing but an empty threat!

In his mind, Chu Yang laughed bitterly.

If he was right about this, then Chu Yang had absolutely no protection by his side. Gu Du Xing had gone out to recruit and who knew when he would come back. Mo Cheng Yu was currently seriously injured, and would surely be unable to recover quickly. And even if he had the ability to fight, he still had to guard against the Hei Mo clan…

As for Revered Saber Artist Cheng Zi Ang… Chu Yang guessed that he would just be an appetizer for a King level master…

On the off chance that the masters from Hei Mo clan and Golden Horse Riders Department found their way there at the same time, it would be disastrous! Fighting more than three King level masters at the same time, forget about the cultivation of a Martial Warrior, even the Chu Yang from the previous life would not be able to fight back.

Moreover, besides Diwu Qing Rou and the Hei Mo clan, there was likely to be the Yan clan as well…

This was really a big headache.

Chu Yang closed his eyes and concentrated. He wanted to find from amongst this chaos a way to avoid the danger or solve this crisis…

“These are only our guesses. It might not be a King level master that will come…” Wu Qian Qian said weakly.

“Not possible. Even we could think of this, so could Diwu Qing Rou. With Diwu Qing Rou’s wisdom, he has planned more than what we could even think of; he would surely not leave out anything!” Chu Yang said lightly.

Comprehensive planner, Diwu Qing Rou was currently very deserving of these words. Mo Tian Ji was still a brat right now, nowhere near the ability of the “master of calculation and manipulation.” Meanwhile, Diwu Qing Rou had accumulated years of experience in this realm.

And how could he not think back to this?

Chu Yang quietly thought; his eyebrows tightly knitted together. After a long while, not one little thought was willing to jump out of his head.

In terms of intelligence and strategy, Chu Yang was not as good as Diwu Qing Rou. But he was not helpless either.

But facing an absolute force, he could not think of anything.

Hiding? Hiding is not an option.

Tie Bu Tian also did not have the ability to protect him. Chu Yang guessed that even if there were martial experts next to Tie Bu Tian, there would be at most one or two people only.

If these people went to protect him, then there would be no one next to the prince. There were probably some next to Tie Long Cheng as well… but he could not count on this. And his Bu Tian Pavilion simply did not have enough strength.

The only hope now was the Mo clan. But Chu Yang understood the Mo clan’s heartlessness too well. They would not necessarily help him just because he saved Mo Qing Wu’s life.

In addition, the Mo clan also included Mo Tian Ji. Right now, Chu Yang had mixed feelings about Mo Tian Ji; it was a tangled mess.

However, there was one thing that he was sure of. If Mo Tian Ji wanted to protect Chu Yang because he saved his little sister, Chu Yang would flatly refuse it. This would offend his manly ego. Chu Yang would never accept help from Mo Tian Ji.

His only advantage right was the web of deception he had worked hard to create. It ensured that very few people would know his true face. In other words, this was the only thing that he could use to deal with the King level master.

“When we get to the mountain, there’ll be a way through.” Chu Yang simply could not figure it out yet. He stood up and stretched, “So what if it is a King level master? The person who will die might not be me!”

With Nine Tribulations Sword in hand, the assassin only needed to get close and Chu Yang would have a chance; it was not written in stone that he could not kill a King level master!

“Oh! Chu Yang! The ranking contest at Beyond the Heavens Sect has ended; do you want to know the results?” Wu Qian Qian tried to change the subject to help Chu Yang relax.

“Huh? How was Tan Tan?” Chu Yang’s mind just returned to reality. Now that he heard what Wu Qian Qian said, he suddenly felt those words ‘Beyond the Heavens Sect’ had become so distant… Master… Junior martial brother…

“This ranking contest was especially cruel.” Wu Qian Qian said, “Many of the martial uncles’ disciples suffered fatal wounds… Tan Tan did not participate…”

“Oh, among the dead ones, I am sure the disciples of second martial uncle, fourth martial uncle, and sixth martial uncle were the majority?” Chu Yang smiled.

“Aah, how do you know?” Wu Qian Qian’s eyes widened.

“How can I not know…” Chu Yang laughed bitterly on the inside. The spies in Beyond the Heaven Sect were probably these three people. Li Jinsong was already verified, the other two were most suspicious.

“The incentives for winning this time is much greater than the other times.” Wu Qian Qian blinked a few times in envy, “When I heard about it, I almost ran home to participate in the ranking contest…”

Chu Yang chuckled internally. First put out a big prize, then give great status in the sect. This would make the disciples of those guys kill each other… With Wu Yun Liang’s manipulations, these things are not difficult at all.

It seems that Wu Yun Liang has started to clean up Beyond the Heavens Sect already. And Tan Tan did not participate in this probably because he wants to stay focused.

At the time Wu Yun Liang started to cleanse the sect, Chu Yang had just arrived at Iron Cloud. It was the beginning of the greatest trap, but also the most dangerous time for Beyond the Heavens Sect.

I only hope… time would pass a little more slowly.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yang realized that there was no certainty at all…

“Let’s capture Tang Xin Sheng first then!” Chu Yang sighed and casually walked out the door. Chu Yang was filled with worries, but once he let go, everything immediately went back to its uneventful state.

Only Wu Qian Qian was sitting alone in the room, worrying. She struggled to figure out how she could help Chu Yang avoid this tragedy.

Thinking about how Chu Yang could die, it suddenly became heart-wrenching for Wu Qian Qian.

She did not know why Chu Yang was expelled from the sect; she also did not know why he came to Iron Cloud after that. However, she knew well that it would be hard to revitalize Beyond the Heavens Sect without Chu Yang! Chu Yang being able to achieve such a position in Iron Cloud was the greatest thing for Beyond the Heavens Sect!

Chu Yang cannot die!

This thought might have stemmed from other sentiments as well. Wu Qian Qian also did not know why she was so emotional. Her eyes did not stop moving as she thought hard.

In the end…

Wu Qian Qian’s eyes stopped as she stared at the two things that represented King of Hell Chu: a black cloak and a ferocious mask.

Whenever Chu Yang left, he put back on his strange appearance and wandered the streets as usual.

Tang Xin Sheng lived in an official’s manor that looked extremely ordinary in Iron Cloud Citadel. From the outside, it was no different from a commoner’s home. No one would have known that this was the residence of a royal court official.

There was only a red plaque with two words ‘Tang Manor’ at the entrance to show the more than ordinary status of the people in the manor.

It was a relatively large house with three sections. The manor’s entrance was on a road that ran north and south, next to a fork on the road.

Normally, officials would not choose such a location for their manors. This location was noisy and chaotic. Most officials would prefer peaceful locations, and avoid danger.

On the right of this residential area, there were a group of manors of other officials, but they were not very close. Compared to the manors of other officials, Tang Manor was essentially on its own.

Behind the manor, there was a wooded area that spread outward.

After looking at the position and location of the manor, Chu Yang could not help but sigh. This place was clearly designed for easy communication with others, and convenient escape.

But, normally, officials’ lodgings were arranged by the royal court. How did Tang Xin Sheng manage to get this place?

At the fork in the road, there was a ragged old man with shaky hands and bad sight. He had a little stall with several kilograms of watermelon seeds. At a big tree not far from there, there were two old men completely absorbed in a game of chess; it was as if they did not pay the least bit of attention to the noisy surroundings.

Chu Yang slowly walked forward, and grabbed a handful of watermelon seeds and tossed them back and forth. His action and expression were really rude; his eyes shifted back and forth as he asked, “Old man, do your seeds have any kernels?”

The old man quickly bowed his head and said, “Young master, what’s the point of selling them if they don’t have kernels? If that was the case, wouldn’t that make me a swindler?”

“Look, this one is completely empty…” Chu Yang pinched one and cracked it open.

“This one is a little small, haha…” The old man smiled embarrassingly and said, “Young master can look at another one. This one is good, you see… As for this one, it’s still a little young… Kakaka…”

“Ah…” Chu Yang tried a little and tossed the old man a few coins. This old man was none other than Cheng Zi Ang in disguise. Chu Yang’s questions were really about the current situation. Whether the watermelon seeds have kernels or not was a code.

“You can check the watermelon seed and see…” In other words, you could check west of the house, but chances are you will not reap anything. (TLN: Watermelon has another name with the word west in it)

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