If you were honest and hard working, the world would belong to you.

The big city of Charlotte had people. All kinds of people. So it had crimes. Big cities, all big cities, had big city crimes.

*****************************The White Lilly******************************

Chapter 3. A Criminal History

There was a baby born in town in a north neighbor hood to an average family. The father, William, Bill, Skinner, drove a coal truck all over the city. The mother, Elsie Alice Skinner, had been a midwife but later became a sales girl in a downtown department store. She was fairly attractive, had a good figure, and liked to attend church regularly. The parents later had another son, James, and later still a daughter, Agnes Anne. They lived in a small three room rented house in the north central part of town neighborhood of Greasy Corners named so because of all the car wrecks that occurred there. These were fairly decent average people. They were southerners and had that accent. Charlotte was their home city. North Carolina was their state. The state was mostly farms. The farms had much livestock and some crops. Much textile business was about the region even in Charlotte. This was the cotton mills. The people in this family were proud of their family name, being southerners, the city, and that state. Southerners believed in pride, dignity, and the honor of the South. This was true of most Southern people even though the South lost the civil war. It was a chivalry thing. It gave them a feeling of being nobility.

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