*****************************The White Lilly******************************

Chapter 9. Vicious Revenge

Bud Hobson had hated that the police defended the First National Bank when they robbed it. Accusations at their meetings seemed to blame Howard Skinner. He had bought guns from them to trade for money with other outlaws. There was no definite proof that Howie had ratted. A feeling of hate was unleashed upon him by a number of the gang. So as a result of this sometime later, the gang beat up and hurt Howie. He had three stomach bullet wounds. The idea was to kill him. They failed to do this. He was put in a hospital for eight months. At first blows to his head gave him a concussion and put him in a coma. He came out of this recovered. Bruises healed. Broken bones took several months to knit and mend. Therapy, good feeding, plenty of bed rest, and exercise got him out of his casts and free of a wheelchair.

Learning that Howie was recovering, the hate that the Satan’s Skull gang had for him boiled and steamed. They decided to enter the hospital dressed in disguise wearing white hospital uniforms, locate Howie, and shoot him dead in his ward room. As the Skulls were actually doing this, twenty police were stationed on Howies’s floor. They were also in white hospital gowns disguised as hospital workers to save Howie from any possible gang murder attempt. The police detected the invading Skulls and shot four of them dead. Six of the Skulls escaped to leave the building and get scot free away. Two of the policemen were injured by Skull gang bullets. Howie did recover and left the hospital.

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