Lilly aged 32, was five feet six inches tall, weighed 140 pounds, had blonde hair, long straight hair, blue eyes, a nice slender figure, graceful movements, a pleasant voice, wore slinky clothes, pumps shoes, stylish hats, possessed a lot of sparkle, was attractive, her dress, hair style, perfume, posture, speech, was all nice and attractive. Her father was a bar owner, bar tender. She grew up entertaining in bars and night clubs. Mabel’s Place, Blacky’s Joint, the 711 Club, Silk and Satin, the Southern Gentleman, the Carolina Gardens, The Tar Baby Club, Watkin’s Ballroom, the Cattle House Western Club, the Charlotte Nightline, Castaways, the Confederate Star, the Swing House, the Clock, the Garden of Eden, the King’s Castle, the Red Diamond, Joe’s Jive Shack. She sang, danced, played piano, read music, wore attractive tasteful costumes, make up, perfume, her hair and skin looked good under stage lights, was a sophisticated entertainer, had a soft buttery voice, wore necklaces of pearls, diamonds, emeralds or rubies. She performed at nightclubs all over the city and was much in demand. A Charlotte native, she could put her audience in a trance. Lilly was a fashion model; beauty. She was part Danish, Swedish and English. She had the local southern accent.

Tisha could do modern dance, jazz influenced styles, burlesque, ball room, swing moves, ballet, classical material like a minuet, tap dance, and any kind of raw cooche routine that was done. If a person met her for the first time, looking her over, her muscle tone, balance, gracefulness, reflexes, walk, posture and rhythmic blessings, it was easy to see that she was a long time highly experienced dance performer. Her whole body gave evidence of this. She was hips, legs, and feet. She was good on her feet. Tisha was self Copyright 2016 - 2025