Chief Marsh gave pep talks to his men. A typical one went like this,” Time is cheap for those who have a lot of it to spend. Each of us ought to make every moment count. We must take the curse off of this city. We have to trap outlaws like rats in traps. Any tips

and news is power over the foul forces of evil. In the shadows are clues. These clues will solve this case for us. I am certain. We have to keep our wits and use our minds.”

Satan’s Skull Gang leader Bud Hobson aged 55, was five feet nine inches tall, weighed 185 pounds, had black hair, blue eyes, was a slender man, had a mean sounding voice, wore nice neat suits, leather lace up shoes, and stylish hats. He was from a bad family in North Charlotte. His father, Elmo Hobson, was an excon convicted of multiple armed robberies and assaults. Bud grew up wrong with a father setting a bad example for his development. Bud had too much animal spirit. The Satan’s Skull gang had all been busted a number of times. He and the gang all have seen the world looking through steel bars for years and years. The layout for all jobs was the combined masterful handiwork of the democratic input of all members. All ideas were listened to. Mister Bud Hobson had the final decision of what was to be done and just who would do what. Bud was the boss. No one challenged this. For short they called the gang the Skulls. Copyright 2016 - 2025