The early morning sky was glowing gold from the rising sun. The Charlotte skyline stood tall in the fresh sky of this new day. There were tall office buildings, hotels, department stores, and imposing government buildings.

*****************************The White Lilly******************************

Chapter 5. Calling All Cars - Police Alert

City crimes were common and all over town everywhere. The bold and courageous outlaws would appear, attack innocent people. They brought out guns. Guns were aimed at honest people. The threat of injury and death made them yield and hand over their money and goods to swiftly be taken away. Then spoils of crime pushed the outlaws to become more daring and aggressive than ever before. They were armed with guns. They were nearly impossible to stop. Crime was ruling the city.

Crooks were like cockroaches. They hid and came out after dark to seldom be seen. They lived off of trashy ways of being. They were pests. Honest people hated them.

Criminals had strong nerves of steel. Their freedom and lives were at risk all the time.

Crooks robbed the Castaways Nightclub and netted several thousand dollars. They celebrated their easy take by showing off their guns. They had plenty of guns. The place was perforated with hundreds of bullets. The walls, furniture, lights, and windows, were splintered. There were three large aquariums on display with colorful fish. The gunmen fired at these breaking the glass sides, splashing the fish and water all over the room. A couple of dozen stuffed dolls and teddy bears were on shelves high above and behind the bar. The thieves shot these up putting feathers and stuffing everywhere. Mirrors, china, drinking glasses, and bottles of whiskey, beer, and wine were shot up. The club was left a gloriously destroyed mess. Copyright 2016 - 2025