it, and a two story seed crib with a hog lot beside it. The barn had martin birdhouses on the front gable. A worn John Deer B tractor was parked in the barnyard. A metal gas tank with a hand pump was to one side. A flat wood hay trailer was near the granary. Ellis visited with Uncle Bruce for nearly an hour on the front porch talking while sitting in rocking chairs. Then he took his cane pole and can of worms to the pasture pond behind the barn. He caught crappies. He walked far back on the farm to the big lake made from an earth dam at a river. He caught perch, bream, catfish, crappie, and some bass. That was a good lake to fish in. He moved about the bank getting to new hot spots. He caught a good bunch of fish that afternoon. As he walked frogs jumped in the water and made a croaking sound. There were some ducks swimming on the water. Crows flew overhead. Ellis saw several bass swim to the surface, leap into the air, fly a distance, and land with a splash back in the lake. The sun was bright. Ellis got hot and received a minor sunburn. Being outside on a farm lake was refreshing. The cows walked to a bank and went into the water to cool off. Ellis liked livestock. Being out of the big city in the open peaceful country was a happy experience for him. Copyright 2016 - 2025