I shatter.

Domenico manages to push his fingers in further, intensifying my orgasm. I can only wrap my legs more tightly around his waist as my body doesn’t stop quivering at the onslaught of pleasure. When it’s over, I’m limp in his arms, but Domenico carries my full weight with ease. I don’t even feel his muscle tense as I grow heavy in utter exhaustion.

“You’re mine now,” he whispers.

I can’t find the energy to answer.

An eternity later, Domenico slowly lets me slide down to my feet.

I murmur my protest when he gently disentangles my arms around his neck. I would have been embarrassed about how clingy I suddenly am if my mind still isn’t busy replaying the last few minutes. There’s enough time later to be embarrassed.

Domenico kisses my forehead, and I feel him smiling against my skin. “I have to let you go, cara. Your brother is coming.”

I blink.

When I open my eyes again, he’s vanished into the night and I hear footsteps approaching.

“Misty?” Kevin sounds distressed.

And I…

I think I look disheveled.

In a way that I don’t ever want my brother to know.

Hastily rearranging my clothes, I run out of the alley before Kevin gets to me. One sniff and I’m out. Right now, you don’t need a werewolf’s sense of smell to figure out what just happened.

“What happened?” Kevin demands almost angrily, but I know it’s his anxiety talking. Barefoot and shirtless, he seems to have run straight out of his room the moment he realized I wouldn’t be returning his call.

For a moment, I mourn the loss of my phone. Why couldn’t have that darn werewolf attack me next month? Or better yet the month after? I can’t afford to replace my mobile phone right now, not with the baby entering our lives.


Kevin’s alarmed tone stops me from dwelling further on my growing list of expenses. “I’m okay,” I assure him. And though I feel that I really am, my voice becomes shrill at the end.

“You’re not okay,” he accuses. “Did you get attacked?”

“Yes, but they’re gone now.”


Shick. I really have to start thinking before I open my big fat mouth. Kevin looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. “I’m okay, Kev. I’m really okay. I managed to use the stun gun.”

Kevin fumbles for something inside his pocket. “My heart almost stopped beating when I saw this lying in the road. Did you get them good?”

Nodding, I take the stun gun from him. I think I’m going to buy another, just for good measure.

“We should file a police report,” he says grimly.

“Umm, no. I don’t think that’s necessary.” My lying skills are so-so, but they’re definitely not at a level that I can get away with perjury.

“Those bastards could still be around!”

“They didn’t get a good look at me.” This kind of lie, I’m pretty good at. Giving him a rueful smile, I say, “And I don’t think I have it in me to jog alone again for quite some time. After what’s happened.” This one’s the truth, though.

“If you’re sure,” Kevin says with a doubtful look at my now-just-slightly-disheveled state. “What did they do to you? Did they---”

A look of horror crosses his face, and I instantly get what he isn’t able to say.

“No. God, no, don’t think that. I mean it. I’m not lying.” I can’t say the words fast enough. Kevin already has more than enough hang-ups because of what (almost) happened to Kelly in the orphanage. I don’t want him to go back to rehab a second time because he thinks he’s failed to protect me.

“You swear?”

“I’m still a virgin,” I say instead, just so I could make him smile.

I half-accomplish my goal when Kevin makes a puking sound. “Gross, Misty. TMI.”

I ruffle his hair, even if it means I have to tiptoe to do it. “You came here fast enough, that’s what’s important.”

“I’m still grossed out.”

“Shut up.”

We argue good-naturedly, absently, all the way back. We’re standing in front of the house when I realize what I forgot to ask. “The baby?” I demand, fearing he’s left the baby all alone in his haste to get to me.

“Relax, sis. I left him with Kels.”

I almost collapse against the front door in relief. “Thank God.”

Kelly’s waiting for us in the living room, hair all scraggly around her face, the baby sleeping peacefully in her arms.

Sheesh. We have got to find out the baby’s name soon or I won’t be able to stop thinking of him as The Baby.

“Are you all right, Misty?”

“Yes, I’m good. I’m sorry I made you two worry.” I give her a quick hug before taking our newest member of the family from her arms.

Looking down at him, I remember Domenico’s words earlier, and suddenly the whole scene feels like déjà vu.

But it’s too late, I think as I kiss his forehead. I think I’m halfway in love with him already.

What a bummer.

For our finances, that is.

I apologize to the twins again as we go back up to our rooms, thankful that Kelly didn’t wake Andy or Nicole up. She can get really panicky sometimes.

Back in my room, I curl in bed next to The Baby.

Oh, shick. It’s started.

Lying in the darkness, I remember with shameful ease the way Domenico’s fingers felt as they thrust in and out of my body.

I can’t help wondering how better it would feel when it’s his c**k next time ramming into me.


Today’s events – all of them – gradually take a toll on my body and I yawn.

Tomorrow, Domenico either does what I ask of him or not.

And when he does…

My toes curl in spite of my hardest attempt to keep them straight.


I can’t wait.

Part Two

Chapter One

Dear Diary,

My heart can’t stop beating at the thought of what tomorrow could – would – bring. Frankly, I can’t believe anything that has happened lately.

I’m blushing as I write this but I feel like I’m going to burst if I don’t tell anyone. Oh, Di, I can’t forget his kisses. The way he moves his tongue, the way he leaves me breathless…and oh, Di, his fingers! Every touch drives me crazy. I just can’t stop imagining what it would finally feel like when he’s taken me.

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