The shower turned off and I pushed myself up against the pillows. A few minutes later, Drake came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. My mouth went dry at the sight of him. I wanted to devour him that very second, thought for sure I would spontaneously combust if he didn’t take me…

“Hey, beautiful.” He placed a tender kiss on my forehead before turning toward the dresser to take out a pair of boxers.

I stared at his back for a full minute before I lost it. “Will you please make love to me?!?” I cried.

He turned around. “What?”

I bit my lip, hating that I was resorting to begging the man I loved to touch me. “Please, Drake. Make love to me.” I got up on my knees and held out my hand to him.

Drake dropped the pair of boxers he had just pulled from his drawer and crossed over to me in two big steps. His fingers linked with mine, and I pulled him to me. “Why haven’t you made love to me lately? Are you scared of hurting me?”

“A little.” He kissed the tip of my nose, but his eyes were dark with suppressed desire. “But mostly it has been because I want to do things the right way this time. I want to make you my wife before we have sex again.”

My heart melted and if it were possible I think I fell even more in love with the man. “That…” I swallowed the emotion clogging my throat and tried again. “That is really romantic, Drake.”

His free hand wrapped around the ends of my hair and tilted my head back so I was looking up at him. “I love you, Angel. I ache to have you, don’t ever doubt that. I just want to wait until we are married.”

I grinned. “Okay then. Pack a bag. We are flying to Vegas.”

His lips lifted as he returned my grin, but he was shaking his head. “We are going to have a real wedding. With a church, and a minister, and a giant cake that Lucy is going to get a stomachache trying to eat all of. You are going to have the most amazing wedding dress, and I will actually wear a tux. It’s going to be amazing because that is what you deserve.”

“Stop,” I whispered, blinking in an attempt to keep the tears back. “Stop making me cry tonight.”

One errant tear escaped, and he lowered his head to kiss it away. “I’ll only ever make you cry for joy from now on. I swear it.” His lips trailed down my cheek to my jaw, then lower finding that sensitive spot just behind my ear that made my knees weak. “And just because I want to wait for the sex doesn’t mean we can’t do other things,” he murmured in a passion filled voice that sent delicious shivers up and down my spine.

A moan escaped me as he cupped my breast through the thin material of my camisole. My back arched, trying to get closer to his touch. “Please, Drake.”

“Shh, Angel, I’ll take care of you,” he promised. “I will always take care of you.”

He lifted me into his arms and laid me down against the pillows. I clung to his neck, forcing him to follow me. His towel disappeared and I let my hand drift down his hard stomach to the satin covered steel that lay between us. Drake bit back a curse as my fingers wrapped around him. “This is about you, Angel.”

“No...” I shook my head “...this is about us.” I tightened my hold on him and stroked upward. The head of his dick leaked his pre-cum, and I wiped it away with my thumb. “I’m going to take care of you too, Drake. Always.”

Drake groaned as I stroked downward again, and his mouth found mine as he devoured my lips in a soul binding kiss. I kissed him back, relishing the taste of this man that held my heart in the palm of his talented hand. His hands didn’t remain still as they stroked up and down my body, turning up the heat on a flame that was about to rage out of control.

My panties went flying as he ripped them off of me without breaking our kiss. Long, strong fingers were gentle as they parted the lips of my pussy, and his thumb skimmed over the ultra-sensitive ball of nerves. I cried out into his mouth and bit down on his bottom lip without realizing I was doing so.

He pulled back just a little, licking at his injured lip. “Easy, Angel.” He grinned at me. “I’m not unbreakable.”

“Sorry, babe,” I touched trembling fingers to his swollen lip. “I want you so bad.”

Blue-gray eyes darkened. “Me too. I’ve been dying to have you.”

“I really love that you want to wait, Drake…but I think I’m going to go insane if you don’t put your dick in me right now.” I lifted my knees and spread my thighs wide, showing him how wet I was for him. “Show me how much you love me, Drake. Prove it to me right now.”

“I don’t have anything to protect you with, Angel.”

I swallowed hard. “Do you want a baby Drake?” We hadn’t really talked about the future and children. It wasn’t a game changer for me because as long as I had Drake I didn’t need anything else. But…

“I didn’t think I did until you lost ours. The instant I knew that our child was growing inside of you and that we would never get to hold her…” He looked away, trying to hide his glazed eyes from me. “I want our child, Angel.”

I rubbed my hands up and down his muscular arms. “Do you think it’s too soon? Do you want to wait?”

He frowned, considering his answer hard before shrugging. “I think that we should just let fate decide for us.” He brushed a tender kiss across my lips. “If it’s meant to be, it will happen. Is that okay with you?”

My heart filled with even more love for him. “It’s more than okay, Drake.” I sat forward and kissed his chest right over his heart. “Make love to me, babe.”



I was sound asleep when I felt him climb into bed with me. Sighing happily, I turned over and snuggled into my husband.

Strong arms pulled me even closer, and a scruffy jaw rubbed against my cheek as he brushed a kiss over my lips. Drake had been on a two week tour on the West Coast for the last two weeks, and I had missed him horribly. FaceTime and Skype just didn’t cut it when I was so used to having the real thing holding me close every night.

“I missed you,” he whispered gruffly.

“Missed you more,” I told him, raising my hand to stroke my fingers through his shoulder-length hair. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Next time you are coming with me.” I didn’t get to go on tour with him often. School got in the way. Now that I was getting my Masters in Psychology it made touring harder on him because I didn’t have a minute to spare so I could go with him. Copyright 2016 - 2024