Sleeping on the couch everynight at my sisters I always thought I was intruding ..thought that everytime I would get up at 1am to see him off to work on cam that I was going to wake everyone up. I was told I never did so that was good. I never wanted to cause any problems not knowing how long I was going to be there. I did however make sure I did my part in keeping house and earning my stay while there.

The whole time there I was we spoke everyday for as long as we could. The only time we didn't is when he slept or worked. We had so much in common to talk about it was unreal. We both listenened to each other as we complained or just talked about things that happened while apart but most of the time we sang or just listened to music or watched a movie together. For the limited of things we could do online together we always found something to do or talk about to keep our interest going. Everyone knew about me in his family and at work. At times he would take me into work via cam and show me around and to his work mates. It was wonderful. I couldn't wait to be with him in person to which we talked about alot about what we would do, places we could go and people we would see.

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