“Oh, this is just great.” Venom dripped in Eli’s voice.

I gritted my teeth, outrage making my head swim. “Is that why my phone started changing letters to symbols?”

“Probably. Sorry about that.” A sheepish grin crossed Paul’s face.

Eli took a threatening step toward Paul. “But why give it to Dusty in the first place?”

This time Paul stood his ground. “Because I knew it would be safe with her. And because my uncle would never expect it. It’s not like he’s been content just to trust me not to expose him. He’s been looking for the data nonstop. And I’m pretty sure he’s a lot smarter about technology than Sheriff Brackenberry and the rest of magickind.”

My fingers tightened on the phone automatically, some of my anger giving way to astonishment. He hadn’t exactly said that I was holding his life in my hands, but if he was telling the truth about Magistrate Kirkwood, then I most definitely was.

I started to put my phone back in my pocket, but Paul stopped me.

“Do you mind if I make sure it’s hidden again?”

I frowned, realizing the gravity of what my phone now held. I handed it back to him. I wanted to stay angry with Paul, but I couldn’t manage it. What he’d done was horrible—not to mention a little scary—but the fact that he would trust me with something so huge meant a lot. Even if I didn’t want it to.

He gave the phone back a moment later, and I stowed it in my pocket.

I faced Paul once more. “Explain how your uncle was behind the attack on Britney.”

Sighing, he took a step back. “I spent a little time at his house right after my release, and I didn’t waste it. I couldn’t believe he would support Marrow. He craves his own power too much. So I wanted to figure out what he was up to now that Marrow is out of the picture. I hacked his e-mail using the same laptop that I used for the website backups. It was hidden in my room the whole time. Brackenberry didn’t find it because they were looking for magical concealment, but I had it hidden in an ordinary secret compartment. They didn’t think to check for those.”

I shook my head, once again astounded by his cleverness.

Paul continued on, unaware. “Several of the e-mails I found were written in code. They had names and references to things that don’t exist. One of them, I was pretty sure was a reference to the attack on Britney. And when I found out she was awake, and that you and Selene were going to talk to her, I guessed she would be in danger.” He paused. “I was right.”

“How did you know we were going to visit Britney?” Selene asked.

Paul shifted his weight, squirming a little. “Dusty texted Eli about it. I’ve been monitoring the phone just in case…” He leveled a defensive look at me. “In case you told Brackenberry something important about me.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’ve been spying on me?”

Paul nodded. “But no more than you’ve been spying on me.”

I pressed my lips together, unable to decide on a response.

Paul pulled his gaze from me and glanced at the other two. “The attack on Britney is only the start of it. From what I saw in those e-mails, my uncle is planning something big. A way to make himself consul. It’s what he wants more than anything.”

Selene raised her hand to her mouth. “You think he’s going to assassinate Consul Vanholt?”

“What else?” said Paul.

I gaped—the consul was the same as the president.

“I don’t know how yet,” Paul said, “but based on the code words, I think it’s going to happen during Beltane. And the place is Lyonshold. My guess is it’s going down during the festival. But the e-mail also talked about Atlantis. I haven’t figured out what it means yet.”

He stopped speaking, giving us a chance to digest this. I turned the notion over and over inside my head. Was it possible? Could Titus Kirkwood be planning a coup? I stared at Paul, trying to decide if I could trust him. Something about the way his face looked in the torchlight reminded me of Bethany’s dream. He had been in the dream. No, that wasn’t right. Someone that looked like him but wasn’t him. Someone like …

Titus Kirkwood.

The realization dawned on me as bright as a searchlight. Titus and Paul shared a strong, almost uncanny resemblance given that they were only uncle and nephew and not father and son. But it was one close enough that I was certain Britney had been dreaming about Titus and not Paul.

I glanced at the other three and told them about Britney’s dream. “It all fits,” I said when I finished. “And Britney was supposed to curse Eli to keep us from seeing what’s coming in his dreams. This must be why.”

Eli nodded. “I suppose it makes sense.”

“That’s why you borrowed Mr. Corvus’s book, isn’t it?” I asked Paul.

“Yeah, I wanted to see if there was a record of any assassinations that took place on the island. I figured my uncle might try to copy it. Of course, I, uh, didn’t get very far.” A playful grin flashed across his face for a second.

It was my turn to squirm.

“Who were the e-mails to?” Eli asked, scowling.

Paul’s grin vanished. “There wasn’t a salutation, but the address was [email protected].”

Eli and I exchanged a look.

Paul’s brow furrowed. “What do you know?”

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