When she hung up from talking to her mother she called the florist that the government use regularly. She ordered a floral arrangement to be sent to her friend along with a card. She made sure sure that the floral company that she use using her personal account...There was some mistake done by the floral company and the Sevretary of State was red flagged immediately. The Secretary of State called her She explained to him that she had specified to use her own accout.

The Secertary state called the floral company and explained to them then told the person that it was suppose to have been from the government and then ordered another floral arrangement from him and his wife using their personal account. Later that day Sabrina used a different floraalist and sent her best friend a card and flowers.He informed the president on what went wrong, The first lady ordered a bought to be sent also. Later during a newinterview the President sent his well wishes to her and her family.

He also explained that while sending flowers there had been a mistake but was corrected and nobody tried to use the government's money. She sat down with one of the national news reporter and explained that she had known her friend since they were in the first grade and made a mistake in the account number. Still she got bad publicity, She thought she was going to be fired. Instead she was banned from using the government's financial accounts. Shortly after another incident with the same compay the government change their floral provider.

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