After Sabrina graduated from one of the most prominent colleges in the midwest she worked for a huge law group as their file clerk. It was a matter of time before she caught the eye of her state's congresswoman who was a family friend. She passed the word to the Secretary of the State Department that Sabrina could be trusted and did her job very well. The oversee committe on hiring employees for the State Department had already knew her father's and older brother's work and put her name at the top of the list

​Sabrina faxed the State Department her resume first. Then she preceeded with getting her college courses and scores. Her references was a few of her college professors, lawyers that she worked for, friends, and some clients of the law group. The most cherished reference was the governor's recommendation in person with the President during a meeting that he had at the governors conference.In no time she wa being visited by the local FBI agency. They ran a background check which she passed hands down

​ The next week she went down to an entertainment region in her state to see a couple of the shows that was highlightening the holiday season. Her brother was suppose to came home and was going down with her and her friends. At the last minute he cancelled stating he had just been promoted to the new President's security detail The recent election had been a nasty one The newly elected President had a lot of not just the opposition party but some of his own party second quessing him every step of the way. Copyright 2016 - 2025