
“I’m staring at your grandchildren right this second.”

“Boy or girl?”

James couldn’t help it. He laughed. “You didn’t listen very well.”

“I did, too, and I want to know—what do we have? A boy or a girl?”

“Could be one of each,” James informed him calmly.

“Twins!” Walter shouted. “You mean Summer’s having twins?”

“That’s what I’m telling you.”

“Well, I’ll be! This is good news. No, it’s great news. The best!”

James had never heard Walter this excited—practically as excited as he was himself.

It wasn’t every day that a man learned he was having not one baby but two!

Summer didn’t go directly home. Instead, she drove around for at least an hour, evaluating the situation between her and James. She loved him so much. The thought of leaving him, even when she knew it was the best thing for his career, brought her to the verge of tears.

What she wanted was to talk with her mother, but her parents were vacationing, touring the south in their motor home. They weren’t due back for another month. Summer received postcards every few days with the latest updates and many exhortations to look after herself and their unborn grandchild. Wait till she told them it was grandchildren, she thought with a brief smile.

This vacation was good for them, but she really needed her mother now.

Without realizing she knew the way, Summer drove to the Manning family home. She parked, wondering whether she was doing the right thing.

It took her a full five minutes to gather up enough nerve to get out of the car, walk up the steps and ring the bell.

Elizabeth Manning answered the door. Her face lit up with warmth. “Summer! What a lovely surprise.”

“I hope I haven’t come at an inconvenient time.”

“Not at all,” Elizabeth said, ushering her in. “I was making meatballs. It’s Eric’s favorite. Today’s his bowling day, so he’s out just now. Can I get you a cup of tea?”

“No, thank you.”

Elizabeth sat down in the living room.

“Would it be all right if we talked in the kitchen?” Summer asked after an awkward moment.

“Of course.”

“I…I’m aware that you barely know me, and it’s an imposition for me to drop in like this.”

“Not at all. I’m delighted to see you again.”

“I…my parents have a motor home,” Summer said, wishing now she’d thought this through more carefully before she approached James’s friends. “They’re traveling across the south.”

“Eric and I do quite a bit of traveling in our own motor home. We visit Christy and her sister, Taylor, at least once a year. Montana’s become like a second home to us.” She dug her hands into the bowl of hamburger and removed a glob of meat. Expertly she formed it into a perfect round shape.

“I really just wanted to thank you for everything you did the other night,” Summer said. “The party for James and me…”

She suddenly decided she couldn’t burden this woman with her troubles. She would’ve welcomed advice, but felt uncomfortable discussing her problems with someone who was little more than a stranger to her.

“When you know me better,” Elizabeth was saying, “you’ll learn that I love throwing parties. James has always been a special friend to our family, and we were so happy to find out about his marriage. Naturally we wanted to celebrate.”

Summer nodded. “I didn’t think it was possible to love anyone so much,” she confessed, and then because tears began to drip from her eyes, she stood abruptly. “Listen, I should go, but thank you. I’ll see myself to the door.”

“Summer,” Elizabeth called after her. “Summer, is everything all right?”

Summer was in her car by the time Elizabeth appeared in the doorway. She hurriedly started the engine and drove off, sure that she’d done more harm than good with her impromptu visit.

Wiping away tears, Summer went home. She walked into the house and up the stairs, then lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

She had to leave, but she didn’t know where to go. If she didn’t do it soon, she’d never find the courage. Only minutes earlier, she’d declared to James’s family friend how deeply she loved her husband. That was the truth, so doing what was best for him shouldn’t be this difficult.

But it was.

Sobbing and miserable, Summer got up from the bed and pulled a big suitcase from the closet. She packed what she thought she’d need and carried it down to the car.

At the last minute she decided she couldn’t leave without writing James. She sat at his desk for several minutes, trying to compose a letter that would explain what she was doing and why. But it was all so complicated, and in the end she simply said he was better off without her and signed her name. She read it twice before tucking it in an envelope.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. It wouldn’t be so bad, or so she attempted to convince herself. The babies would be less than two months old when the election was over, and then she’d be free to return.

If James wanted her back.

James had seldom been in a better mood. He sat in the courtroom, convinced he must be grinning like a fool.

His assistant didn’t know what to think. During a brief recess, he waltzed back to his office to phone Summer, whistling as he went.

His wife might not have wanted to celebrate with lunch, but their news deserved some kind of festivity. Dinner at the Space Needle. A night on the town.

While he was in his office, he ordered flowers for Summer with a card that said she’d made him the happiest man alive. Twice. He wondered what the florist would make of that.

The phone rang four times before voice mail kicked in. James hung up rather than leave a message. He’d try again later. Summer was probably resting; he hoped the phone hadn’t disturbed her.

“Judge Wilkens?” Mrs. Jamison, his assistant, stopped him as he was leaving his office.


“Your father phoned earlier. He wanted me to let you know he’s been to the toy store and purchased two giant teddy bears. He also asked me to tell you he’ll be dropping them off around six this evening. And he said he made dinner reservations in case you hadn’t thought of it.”

“Great.” James laughed and discovered his assistant staring at him blankly.

“See this,” James said, taking the ultrasound picture from inside his suit pocket. “My wife and I just learned we’re having twins.”

“Your wife? Twins for you and Summer. Why, Your Honor…” Her mouth opened, then shut, but she recovered quickly. “Congratulations!”

“Thank you,” James said. Then, checking his watch, he returned to the courtroom.

The afternoon was hectic. James was hearing the sad case of a man who, crazed with drugs and alcohol, had gone on a shooting rampage. He’d killed three people and injured seventeen more. The case was just getting underway but was sure to attract a lot of media attention. James knew the defense was hinging its case on a plea of temporary insanity.

A door opened at the rear of the courtroom. James didn’t look up, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a lone figure slip into the back row. Whoever it was apparently didn’t want to be recognized. She wore a scarf and large sunglasses.

Twice more James found his gaze returning to the figure in the back of the courtroom. If he didn’t know better, he’d think it was Summer.

Whoever it was stayed for quite a long time. An hour or more. He wasn’t sure when the woman left, but James couldn’t help being curious.

His best guess was that the woman was a reporter.

When he was finished for the afternoon, James returned to his office and removed his robe. His secretary brought in a stack of phone messages. The one that seemed most peculiar was from Elizabeth Manning. She’d never called him at court.

Leaning back in his chair, he reached for the phone. “Hello, Elizabeth,” he said cheerfully. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her his and Summer’s good news, but she cut him off.

“You’d better tell me what’s wrong. I’ve been worried sick all afternoon.”

“Worried? About what?”

“You and Summer.”

Sometimes she baffled him. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I will tell you that Summer and I were at the doctor’s this morning and found out she’s pregnant with twins.”

“Congratulations.” But Elizabeth seemed distracted. “That can’t be it,” she mulled aloud. “She was here, you know.”




“This afternoon. Listen to me, James, there’s something wrong. I knew it the minute I saw that girl. She was upset and close to tears. At first I thought you two might’ve had an argument.”

“No…” James frowned. “What did she say?”

“She talked about her parents traveling in their motor home. I suppose I should’ve realized she wanted to discuss something with me, but I started chattering, hoping she’d relax enough to speak her mind.”

“Tell me everything that happened.”

“After the part about her parents’ vacation, she said she’d come to thank me for the party, which we both knew was an excuse. Then she apparently changed her mind about talking with me and started to cry. Before I could stop her, she was gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone?”

“The girl literally ran out of the house. I tried to catch up with her, but with my bad leg, that was impossible.”

“She drove off without another word?”

“That’s right.” Elizabeth sounded flustered. “What could be wrong, James?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. She was fine this morning.” Or was she? James had no idea anymore. “I’ll give you a call this evening,” he assured Elizabeth. “I’m sure everything’s okay.”

“I hope so. Summer was very upset, James. Oh. That’s odd….”

“What is?”

“I remember something else she said, and it was after this that she started to cry.”

“What was it?” James asked anxiously.

“She told me how much she loved you.”

A few minutes later, when he’d finished speaking to Elizabeth, James was more confused than ever. He tried calling Summer again—but again there was no answer. He left the office abruptly, without a word to his staff.

When he got to the house he burst through the front door. “Summer!” he shouted, his heart racing.

He was greeted with silence.

He raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He searched every room but couldn’t find her.

What confused him further was that her clothes still hung in her closet, but one suitcase was missing. Surely if she was planning to leave him, she’d have taken more things. The only items that seemed to be missing were her toothbrush, slippers and a book about pregnancy and birth.

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