I brought his face close to mine, and hooked my arm around his neck while placing the other behind me on the counter for support.

“Hard and fast,” I breathed out. “I want you hard, and fast Dane, until we’re both a sweaty mess, and I feel you dripping down my thighs.”

Dane’s mouth dropped open, and his pupils dilated until the blue of his iris was nothing more than a thin line circling a black pool of lust. I liked, no loved his filthy mouth, but in the past few weeks I’d learned that a few crude words or remarks brought out the untamable sexual prowess with which Dane fucked.

He braced himself by parting his legs slightly, and gripping my thighs until his fingerprints were embedded on my skin. I welcomed it. I wanted him there. Always.

He slid out. “I’ll give you…Hard.” He thrust back in as deep as he could, jolting my body back with a cry. He slid out again, and the feral look on his face told me to be prepared.

Something on my face gave Dane reason to pause, and he reverently cupped my cheek. “You know I’d never hurt you, right? Tell me you know that, Kitten.”

I had no idea where that came from, or what caused him to act that way. I just knew that he needed to be told how much I trusted him, and how much I craved the way he owned me.

“I know.” I kissed his damp chest. “I trust you. Completely.”

I saw the change, the moment his unease vanished. His thrusts became harder, more urgent, and his apa piercing was rubbing my G-spot with expert precision. Watching him drive himself into me, and pull out covered in my arousal was so sexually intoxicating and provocative, that every nerve was short-circuiting, misfiring in every direction that had my body ready to combust. I tried to hold on, but the smell of sex, and sweat and the slickness between us, and the sound of his skin slapping with mine surged my orgasm forward until it rocked me from my very core. Dane watched me carefully, and after a few more lung tightening thrusts he let go, and exploded inside me. He rested his head between my breasts, and the feel of his quick, hot breaths against my damp skin had me clenching again.

“Don’t,” he grumbled. “I admit defeat, and if you squeeze me again, my dick will surely stop working.”

I lifted his head by gently pulling his hair, and gave him a sated smile. I was thoroughly satisfied, even more so after not having this for a few days.

“I can’t help it. You’re a still a little hard, and what you do with that piercing is a very addictive.”

“Hmmm…” He licked between my breasts. “You’re addictive. Your pussy is addictive.”

“Please stop with the dirty talk, at least until after we’ve recovered and had breakfast.”

His mouth, flushed and swollen from our kisses, tipped up and his eyes creased at the sides. “I thought that was breakfast? I definitely think it’s the breakfast of champions.”

Right on cue, my stomach made a weird sound, and I looked up. “Feed me, fiend, so I can get some of my strength back.”

Dane straightened, but kept himself buried between my legs.

“You’ll need your strength,” he said, brushing my hair from my face, and fingering the purple tips. “I have something planned for us today, and I wouldn’t want you to pass out before we leave.”

“Where are you taking me?” I asked curiously.

He smiled, and gone was the Sex God version of Dane. In his place was the little boy who looked excited about something.

“It’s a surprise.”

He lifted me off the counter, and laughed when my legs wobbled. I slapped his chest, and he then kissed my hand before allowing me to clean myself up. We ate breakfast, traded stories about anything but our families, and I felt myself falling for him a little more.

It was my new favorite Thanksgiving, and all because of the boy who’d hated me, and the man who’d made me want more from him than he could ever give.



“WHERE ARE YOU taking me?”

I looked over at Kennedy in the passenger seat of my truck, and couldn’t resist checking her out. “I told you it’s a surprise.”

“Not even a little hint?” She asked, using her full, pink lips to fake-pout. She looked happy, and excited, and the cavemen inside me pounded on his chest from the knowledge that I’d made her look like that.

“Nope,” I replied. “You’ll just have to be patient, Kitten.”

She pouted some more, and then turned her gaze towards the open road in front of us. Her blonde hair was blowing in the wind, wild, and free, and she had her bare feet on my dashboard. She looked at home, so comfortable, like she’d always belonged there. She was the girl straight out of a country song, and I immediately thought back to the conversation I’d had with my sister about clichés. Kennedy had become my cliché, and I liked how easy it was with her.

It was a hot sunny day, and couldn’t be more perfect for what I had planned. It wasn’t the Thanksgiving I was accustomed to, but I could definitely get used to days like this with Kennedy. Knowing our time was just about up made me frown, but no less determined to make this the best day I possibly could. When I walked away I wanted to know we’d made some kind of memory to hang on to, a moment filled with light kisses, beaming smiles, and perfect, untainted passion. We deserved that. Kennedy deserved that.

After a few miles, I pulled up to a gate and waved when the security guard opened up for us. Kennedy sat up, and looked around at the open, grassy land. I drove a little further until the large lake finally came into view. It was a holiday, and no one else would have been allowed access, but I knew the son of the guy who owned it, and he arranged for us to use it for the afternoon. We were a few miles away from Campus, and guaranteed to be alone and uninterrupted.

“You brought me to a lake?” Asked Kennedy. Unlike most girls who would have sounded disbelieving, she sounded surprised.

“It’s a perfect day for a picnic, and a swim, don’t you think?”

I climbed out before she could reply, and took the picnic basket from the back, along with a red-checkered blanket.

Kennedy stared out at the water. “It’s beautiful. I didn’t even know it was here.”

We walked over to a tall tree, and I laid the blanket down. “It’s closed on holidays like today, but I pulled some strings so we could get in. I have some towels in the truck so we can take a swim after lunch.”

Kennedy’s brows puckered. “You didn’t tell me to bring a swimsuit, and the water is probably freezing.”

“I know.” I waggled my eyebrows. “I plan on keeping you warm.”

“Of course,” Kennedy laughed. That sound had become one of my favorites of hers.

I kneeled down, and started unpacking some things from the picnic basket I had my parents’ personal chef prepare. I’d had it delivered early this morning, right before Kennedy had surprised me with the best non-food breakfast ever. Just thinking about it made me hard.

Kennedy kneeled down beside me, her hands resting on her thighs. She was wearing a strapless peach sundress that ended mid-thigh, and did little to hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “How many people are you planning on feeding?”

I looked at all the plastic containers, wondering if I had maybe gone overboard. I wanted to make sure I had a bit of everything that Kennedy liked, including chocolate covered strawberries, and homemade pumpkin pie.

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