A small explosion went off in Dani's head as Decker's mouth covered hers. She didn't resist or try to pull away. Instead her hands slid around his neck and her mouth opened for him without any urging. Dani moaned as his tongue accepted the invitation and slid in. It rasped across her own tongue, wrestling with it as he began to walk her backward, hands at her hips, guiding her as if they were dancing.

Eyes closed, Dani blindly followed his lead, absorbed in the sensations erupting to life in every corner of her body. They came to a halt when she felt something press against her back, and then Decker's hands began to roam. When they found and cupped her breasts, she rose up on tiptoe and moaned into his mouth, and then pulled her mouth away on a gasp as he began to knead them. Decker immediately ducked his head to press his mouth to the curve of one breast visible above her scoop-necked T-shirt. Dani opened her eyes and watched his tongue slip out to glide along the edge of her top, riding over the pale flesh and then dipping to lick her cleavage. He squeezed and pushed one breast a little higher and turned his mouth to close over it through the material. She closed her eyes on a moan, and leaned back over the bale of hay he'd backed her into, her hands tangling in his hair. Dani felt him tug at the neckline of her shirt, and opened her eyes as he roughly pulled that and her bra aside to reveal one breast. This time when his mouth closed over it, there was nothing between them, and she cried out, her eyes closing again as his tongue swept over her nipple, urging it to an excited peak.

As quickly as he'd claimed the breast, Decker abandoned it, raising his head and catching her behind the neck with one hand to force her upright for another kiss. Dani went willingly, her response eager and urgent, her own hands slipping from his hair to his shoulders and then to run over his chest. She measured the wide expanse with sweeping caresses that ran over his pecs and then down across his tight, flat stomach, before riding back up to investigate his nipples through the cloth of the T-shirt he was wearing today. Dani flicked her nails lightly over the little excited nubs, surprised to find it made him groan into her mouth with excitement. She was even more surprised when it sent little jolts of pleasure through her own body as if she were experiencing the caress.

She felt Decker's hands at her waist, and then a tugging as he pulled her T-shirt free from her shorts, so wasn't surprised when he suddenly urged her away to draw it up over her head. He dropped it on the mound of hay beside them, and was immediately reaching around for the clasps at the back of her bra. Dani shuddered, goose bumps rising on her flesh as they snapped free, and he drew the bra off her shoulders and down her arms. His hands were covering her exposed flesh even before the bit of lace had fluttered down to join her T-shirt, and Dani reached for his head, tugging his face back so she could kiss him.

This time she was the aggressor, thrusting her tongue between his lips and urging them apart as he tweaked and caressed her breasts and nipples. Decker allowed it, briefly, and then took over the kiss, forcing her head back as he ravished her until she was gasping for breath and clutching at his shoulders to stay upright. Then his mouth broke away and traveled down her throat, just skating over the skin in passing. Decker paused to nip and nibble at her collarbone briefly, making her moan and squirm, and then continued on his way, following a trail to her breast. He divided his attention between each, licking and suckling at one and then turning to do the same to the other as his hands slid away, fingers trailing down over her stomach.

Dani sucked in a startled breath, stomach muscles contracting, but caught at his hands when they reached the waistband of her shorts. Decker let her nipple slip from his mouth then. When he raised his face in question, she lowered her own to kiss him. It wasn't that Dani wanted him to stop exactly, but she was already standing there topless, and he still had all his clothes on.

Decker kissed her back, straightening as he did, and Dani immediately placed her hands on his lower stomach. She caught the material of his T-shirt in her fingers and began to drag it out of his jeans. She felt Decker smile against her mouth and then he was helping, pulling at the cloth and breaking their kiss to lean back as they removed it together. It fell to join her clothes, and Dani stepped closer and pressed her mouth to one of his nipples to give it the same treatment he had given hers.

Decker groaned with pleasure, his arms closing around her, hands sweeping up and down her naked back as she worked, and once again she was startled to find that the act of pleasuring him seemed to roll through her as well. Caught up in the moment, Dani didn't pause to analyze it, but continued what she was doing until Decker claimed her mouth again.

Now his naked chest was against hers, the short, crisp hairs brushing across and tickling her nipples. Caught up in his kisses as she was, Dani didn't consider that it meant his other hand had stopped caressing and gone elsewhere until she felt it slide between her legs. She gave a little start of surprise, and then groaned into his mouth as he rubbed her through her shorts.

Decker groaned in response and then his hand dropped away, only to slide up under the hem of her shorts and brush against her with only the silk of her panties between them. They groaned in unison then. Dani shifted her hips into the caress, offering herself to him, and Decker immediately pushed the silk aside to touch her properly. She began to suck frantically on his tongue as he stroked once, and then twice, and then reached down to find and caress him through his jeans. He was hard, his erection pressing against the cloth as if trying to escape, and Dani left off touching him to quickly unsnap his jeans and yank down the zipper so that she could slip her hand inside his boxers and find him. The excitement building inside her seemed to double as Dani closed her hand over the hot shaft and stroked him, and then Decker removed his hand again. This time she didn't try to stop him when he reached for the button of her shorts, and then he was pushing her panties down.

Decker dropped to squat, forcing her to leave off touching him as he helped her step out of both. He tossed them to the side to join the rest of the clothes on the mound of hay. He didn't, however, straighten again, but instead turned back to examine what he'd revealed. Dani had the sudden urge to cover herself with her hands, but didn't get the chance when Decker reached out to urge her legs apart and leaned forward to press a kiss to one inner thigh.

"Oh-I-" Dani stammered breathlessly, grabbing at the bales of hay behind her to steady herself. She was glad to have it to hold on to when he then caught her by one leg behind the knee and lifted it to draw it over his shoulder. She was left standing on one leg, her behind pressing into the slightly prickly straw as he kissed a trail up the tender skin. When he reached the apex of her thighs and pressed a kiss there, the leg Dani was standing on went weak and nearly buckled. Decker's hand immediately tightened on it, holding her up as he ran his tongue over her tender flesh, and then he raised that leg over his shoulder as well, leaving her sitting on his shoulders, facing him and leaning back into the hay to keep her seat as he buried his face between her thighs and alternately kissed, nibbled, and lathed the core of her with his lips and tongue.

Dani threw her head back and cried out, one long ululating sound as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her. Her brain had disengaged and she was pure sensation as she bucked in his hands, her body straining for what it wanted. Decker shifted his hands to her behind then, controlling the situation, forcing her to remain still as he pleasured her. Just when she thought she was about to reached the satisfaction they were both working toward, Decker suddenly stopped what he was doing and swung around with her still on his shoulders, one of his hands quickly shifting to her lower back to support her as he lowered her to lie on fop of their clothes on the mound of hay on the floor in front of the bales.

Dani managed to scrape together enough brain function to marvel at how strong he must be to do that, but it was all she could muster. In the next moment her thoughts scattered as he settled back into his rhythm, scraping over her with lavish strokes and then pausing to suckle briefly before running his tongue around the center of her excitement. When his hands slid up her stomach to find her breasts, Dani covered them with her own, squeezing him even as he squeezed her.

This position gave her more of an opportunity to move and she did, her back arching and hips rocking. Her legs shifted restlessly until Decker pinned one of her legs with his body and then grabbed the other thigh to spread her wider and hold her still. A moment later that same hand moved down to join his mouth, the fingers rubbing over and then into her, and Dani lost it. She screamed his name, her body bucking wildly, back arching up off the hay as pleasure and release exploded within her. They hit in wave after inundating wave until she didn't know where one began and another started, and then it didn't matter and Dani felt herself falling back to the hay as her vision went dim.

Dani woke to birdsong in her ears, a vision of dusty old barn beams above her, and a cat-that-got-the-cream smile on her face. She felt absolutely fabulous, and for one moment didn't wonder why. And then she had the urge to stretch and started to move her legs, only to find them weighted down by something heavy.

Raising her head, she peered down along her body to find Decker lying with his legs on one of hers, his elbow pinning down the other, and his face buried in her lap. She stared at him blankly for a moment as she recalled how they'd gotten there, and then dropped back on the hay.

"Now you've gone and done it, Dani McGill," she muttered. "Not only have you had an almost roll in the SUV, you've had a real roll in the hay... Well sort of," she added with a frown as she realized it had been only a half roll. After all, Decker had pleasured her, but she hadn't done a thing for him, and apparently his pleasuring her had taken so much out of him that he'd conked out directly afterward.

Dani raised her head to peer down at him again. The man was dead to the world. She blew her breath out on a sigh, then closed her eyes and shook her head, wondering when her life had gotten so out of control... and how she was going to get out from under Decker without waking him up. Dani so did not want to be here when he woke. How was she going to face him? What could she say? Thank you, Decker, that was wonderful. So sorry I fell asleep on you without reciprocating?

Jeez, she thought with disgust and then stiffened as a sigh sounded and the warm weight of Decker's head was removed from between her legs. Biting her lip, Dani raised her head and glanced down to find him peering up with sleepy, silver-blue eyes.

"Hi," she said weakly and tried for a smile.

"Hi yourself," Decker responded in what was really a very sexy growl, and then he was suddenly crawling up her body. He settled on his side in the hay, one leg splaying over her lower body, one hand moving to rest on her stomach, and the other propping up his head as he peered down at her.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," Dani said quickly, flushing with embarrassment as she forced the words out.

"You didn't fall asleep," Decker said, a smile widening his mouth. "You fainted."

Dani's guilt fled, chased out by the pure male satisfaction on his face. "Yes, well," she began with disgruntlement, only to have him interrupt.

"It's another sign of a life mate."

"It is?" she asked, relaxing a little.

Decker nodded, the hand on her stomach beginning to move in a rather distracting manner. "The shared pleasure is just too much for the mind to handle at first, so the brain winks out."

"Well... it was pretty awesome," Dani admitted shyly and then grimaced and said apologetically, "But it wasn't exactly shared. I was getting most of the pleasure."

"No, you weren't," he assured her at once. "I experienced it too. That's why it's called shared pleasure."

"You mean you..." She paused, unsure how to say what she wanted to ask.

"I mean when I do this..." Decker bent his head to catch her nipple between his lips, his teeth scraping over the bud and making Dani close her eyes as a sleepy shiver of excitement reawakened within her, and then he lifted his head, releasing the nubbin, and growled, "I experience your pleasure as my own. It flows through you and into me and back, and each time I do that"-he rasped his tongue over her nipple in another quick caress, sending another lazy wave of excitement through her-"it happens again," he whispered. "The waves build up, bouncing back and forth and growing in force until the mind can't take it."

Dani forced her eyes back open and peered into his face, noting that the silver had overtaken the blue of his eyes. She reached up to brush her fingers over the skin by his eye, but shook her head and said, "I can't believe you gave up sex eighty years ago if it was like what I just experienced."

Decker's eyebrows slid up his forehead. "So Uncle Lucian was right, you were eavesdropping when Justin and I were talking," he said with laughter in his eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered, withdrawing her hand, but he just caught it and raised it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

"It's all right," Decker assured her. "But the sex I gave up eighty years ago wasn't like this. I told you, shared pleasure is another symptom of being a life mate. I've never experienced it until you."

Dani felt pleasure wiggle its way through her at that announcement. It made her feel special, and she smiled and murmured, "Man, it's almost enough to make a gal want to be a vampire if she can experience that."

His eyes glowed briefly, but then Decker said seriously, "I'd like that. But as you know, you don't have to be immortal." When she didn't hide her confusion at his words, he frowned, "Surely you did experience what I'm talking about?"

Dani hesitated and then admitted, "I did notice something strange when I was toying with your nipples and... er... stuff," she added, blushing as she recalled caressing his erection, and then she rushed on, "but you made me stop so quickly and the rest of it was just so overwhelming, that I..." She shrugged helplessly.

"Ah." Decker relaxed a little, but still looked troubled and then asked uncertainly, "Do you want to try and see if you experience it?"

Dani hesitated. Did she want to know if she was truly his life mate? Experiencing what he'd just described would certainly convince her. But then what? Did they marry and live happily ever vampire after? And how was she supposed to explain that to her parents? Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet my fiance, Count Great Sex.

On the other hand, Dani told herself, she was dying to experience what he'd just described. Not the overwhelming passion, of course; she'd already experienced that, although it would be nice to experience again, but the pleasing-him-would-please-her part was fascinating.

It was undoubtedly her scientific curiosity wanting that, she thought, and nearly snorted aloud at her own lie.

"It doesn't matter," Decker said suddenly. "We'll find out eventu-" The words ended on a sucked-in breath as Dani gave a silent answer by reaching down to clasp his penis. It was soft and limp at first, but inflated like an airplane life jacket at her touch. She hardly noticed; Dani was too distracted by the shock of excitement that shot through her. She ran her hand experimentally over his growing penis several times, sending more shock waves through herself as the first one receded and rolled back and knew there was no doubt that she was experiencing this shared-pleasure business.

With her eyes closed as they were, she was startled when Decker's mouth suddenly covered hers, but it was a good startled and she opened eagerly to accept him as her hand continued to play over his now-hard shaft, steadily increasing their shared excitement. But it wasn't enough, she wanted more, and pressed against his chest with her free hand as she turned her head away, breaking the kiss:

When Decker lifted his head, Dani urged him backward, sitting up even as he allowed her to push him down. This was like a drug and she wanted more. She wanted to ratchet the experiment up a notch.

The moment he was flat on his back, Dani shifted to her knees beside him and leaned forward to close her mouth over the tip of his shaft and then groaned along with him as her mouth followed her hand downward, sending shock waves of pleasure through them both. It was the most incredible thing she'd ever experienced, and urged her on as she worked over him. Dani could actually feel what felt best to him, knew which lick, nip, or suck where and at what speed had the most impact.

Her earlier guilt about what she'd thought was Decker's pleasuring only her dropped away like a silk scarf as she laved him with her tongue. He'd experienced the pleasure and excitement along with her just as she was experiencing his mounting passion now.

It was amazing! she thought faintly, and then lost the ability to think when his hand slid over her behind and the back of her thigh, before dipping around to find her own pleasure center. Now she was bombarded by both the pleasure she was giving him as well as what he was doing to her, and it wasn't long before they both cried out their release and the lights blinked out again.

Dani woke with a little sigh and a smile and her head between Decker's legs.

She stared at the penis lying sleeping before her eyes and could have kissed its little head. She was feeling very close to the little guy, and not just because it was about an inch from her nose. Dani had a feeling they were going to be good buddies.

A hand running up her thigh distracted her from thoughts of her new best friend, and Dani forced herself to move. She eased to a sitting position and turned to peer at a sloe-eyed Decker. She couldn't have stopped the smile that spread her lips then had she wanted to, and when he smiled back, she suddenly blurted, "Let's do it again!"


Decker blinked his eyes open and raised his head slightly to peer around. It took his bleary, still sleep-befuddled mind a moment to realize where he was, and then he recognized that the weight on his chest was Dani, and memory came rushing in.

They were in the last stall at the back of the barn, the one with the hay in it. Decker had insisted on moving the party there after the third time they'd passed out. He hadn't wanted to be caught bare-arsed in the hay in the open front of the barn should anyone come upon them while they were unconscious. He hadn't wanted anyone to come upon them bare-arsed while they were awake either. So when he'd woken up after finally making love to her for the first time, he'd scooped up their clothes and carried her back here where they would at least have a little privacy.


The second call sounded a little closer, and this time Decker recognized Sam's voice. It was time to move. He eased Dani off his chest, eliciting a little sigh and moan from her. He then grabbed his jeans and T-shirt and quickly tugged them both on while trying to stay bent over and unseen. With that accomplished, Decker hurried to slip out into the barn before Sam could reach the stall and discover them.

"Oh, Decker." Sam paused halfway down the barn and smiled as he walked quickly to join her. "I saw the barn doors were open as I drove up so came to see what was happening. It's too early for you guys to be out and about and I thought Dani might be in here."

Decker glanced at his wristwatch, noting that it was half past six o'clock. The men probably were up, but as she'd suggested, would avoid coming out until later.

"I was going to ask Dani if she wanted to go shopping with me," Sam added.

"Oh, yes, she's... er..." Decker floundered, not knowing quite what to say.

"Indisposed?" Sam suggested, tilting her head slightly to the side as she eyed him. "Is that straw in your hair?"

Decker reached for his head, running his fingers quickly through his hair as he muttered, "I was taking a nap."

Sam nodded, but then asked, "Why are you wearing Dani's T-shirt?"

"I'm not," he began, but glanced down to see that he actually was wearing Dani's scoop-necked white T-shirt, and he was stretching the hell out of it. He'd thought it seemed snug when he'd pulled it on.

"And inside out," Sam added, barely able to hide her mirth now. Shaking her head, Sam turned away and headed for the door. "Ask her if she'd like to go shopping. If so, I'm leaving in about twenty minutes. That should give her time for a quick shower if she likes. You're welcome to join us too," she added as she left the building.

Decker stared after the woman and sighed. So much for discretion.


He turned as Dani's head appeared above the stall. "Oh, there you are," she said, smiling when she spied him. "I can't find my T-shirt. Did you..." Dani paused, eyes widening as he started back along the stalls. "Is that my T-shirt?"

"Yes," Decker admitted on a mutter as he reentered the stall to find her standing with shorts on, bra in hand, and at least half a dozen pieces of straw sticking out of her tangled hair in different directions. "Sam came looking to see if you wanted to go shopping. I dressed quickly to stop her from finding us and donned your T-shirt by mistake. Sorry," he added, though it came out muffled as he tugged it off over his head. "Here you are."

Decker held it out, but Dani was too busy laughing to take it, which just added to his disgruntlement until he noticed how it set her breasts bouncing. The frown left his face as his eyes locked on the two moving targets.

"Oh no," Dani said suddenly, her laughter dying. "Don't you be looking at me with your eyes all glowy silver, Mr. Pimms. We have to stop now, I want to go shopping. Actually, I need to now that you've stretched my top out," she added, slipping on her bra and reaching back to do it up.

Decker remained silent, watching the way her breasts rose slightly as she performed the maneuver, barely hearing her words when she added, "Besides, it must be past noon at least, and I want to make sure the phone didn't arrive while we were out here messing around."

"Six," Decker said absently, his eyes traveling over her body as she finished with her bra and took the T-shirt from his hands.

"Six what?" Dani asked absently as she tugged the cloth over her head.

"It's after six," he explained. "Six-thirty actually."

"What?" she squawked as her head popped out of the neckline of the T-shirt and into view. Pausing then, she stared at him wide-eyed and then said uncertainly, "You're joking."

Decker shook his head, a little surprised by her shock.

"Dani, we've made love at least ten times," he pointed out, not adding that it had been in several interesting and innovative positions he'd never imagined. Decker had thought he'd done it all before sex became too dull for him to bother with, but Dani was very creative, especially with a saddle.

Her eyebrows had risen with surprise. "That many? It's all kind of a blur for me after the fifth time." She shook her head and then finished tugging her T-shirt into place, muttering, "You must have a Viagra pump where your heart should be."

"It's the life mate thing," Decker informed her. "I gather most life mates are insatiable when they find each other."

Dani didn't comment. She was peering down at her shirt and frowning at its new Deckerized shape. It had been stretched out so much, the neckline was pretty much indecent, and it draped her like a blouse rather than the snug fit it had been. Clucking under her tongue, she tugged at the neckline, trying to make it more acceptable, and then pulled it off one shoulder so that at least it didn't reveal the silky cups of her bra anymore. She then tied a knot in the hem at her hip so that it looked like some sort of eighties fashion style. Apparently deciding that was the best she could do, Dani then tried to rush around him and out of the stall, but he caught her arm, forcing her to a halt.

"Decker, let me go," she complained. "I have to go see if the phone is back. "

"You have straw in your hair," he said with exasperation and quickly plucked the bits out and then tried to smooth the wild mass into some sort of order so she wouldn't be completely humiliated if anyone saw her.

Decker then caught her face between his hands and pressed a kiss to her impatient lips before releasing her.

"Thank you," Dani murmured, and ran for the door as if afraid that he might start ravishing her again... and that she might respond despite her worries of the moment. It wasn't that silly a notion. Decker's body was beyond satiated, and yet just the smell of her as he'd neared and the sight of her half naked had been enough to wake little Decker. He'd been hard-pressed to keep the kiss he'd given her to a quick peck and hadn't missed the way desire had flamed in her own eyes before she'd rushed off. They were definitely life mates.

Sighing happily, Decker bent to snatch up his T-shirt and tugged it on as he headed after her.

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