This time it took them back to the time when he was in the military. He came home from an oversea Instead of going home he called her and told her he wouldn't be arriving home untill the next day on the bus.He went to her sister's house where they had a sexual encounter. It was like she was watching them through her sister's window. The next day he met her at the bus staation. He was already in front of the station waiting for her.He admitted to the affair with her sister.

​ The next day the chaplain came to visit the family. The house became very upset and started throwing their funiture through the windows It then changed to look like a building that had bars on the window. The family boarded their charter bus and Maggie's father drove it to a house the chaplain had that he used to help people who were displaced from their homes. The only person in the family that was unscathed by the house was her grandfather on her mother's side due to him having alzheimers disease.

​ After the recession was over the family moved into a nice two story house in Lexington again. Maggie's mother appealed the decision the social security with holding the family's allotment and won the appeal. The family would be able to survive. Now days her grandparents on her father side doesn't talk to each other and one sleeps in their bedroom while the other sleeps in a recliner. Maggie spends her days in the garden holding the urn containing her babies. Copyright 2016 - 2025