​ The woman on the phone asked Maggie again what news station she worked at. After giving the woman her station's address and phone number she thanked her for thinking of his fans and letting her use her name and her cousin's name for the twins she was going to have A couple of days later Maggie recieved two rose bushs offspring of his garden. Something told Maggie that since they were so small to plant them in good size planters then trans plant them the next year.

When she took them home her mother just kept reading the letter from his estate with the headline of hos name then on the bottom it had a verse of one of his songs with his signature. Maggie told her that the letterhead of had been orginally done by him and years later has been copied several times over. Her signature was authentic.There was a letter addressed to Maggie's father in the mail a few days later. Her mother told her that he was being denied his disability check It was going to stop coming the next month.

​ Maggie had heard other people talking about it at the station. She read the letter from Social Security. She told her mother she would appeal their decision.She took her father into social security office and was told that if he couldn't work part time or volunteer he would lose his check. He tried to volunteer at Mansville hospital but with his back injury he couldn't sit even for two hours a day.

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