block away. The taxi took her to Ronan's motel where they had a second encounter and then she left in a taxi and went back to that hotel again being followed by one of those cars.

Again she cahanged clothes this time in the hotel's spa and walked down to another hotel and was picked up again by a Uber driver and made a third trip to the motel where Ronan

was. This time while laying in each other arms they didn't want to say goodbye but knew it would be.then she left by another Uber driver and was followed again to another hotel

. She changed her clothing in the spa and threw away all of the three outfits when she left and walked the three blocks back to her rightful hotel. She called the rental car agency and

the lady had made arrangements to pick it up in the morning. With donna's help the rental car wouldn't come back to her. This night both the cigarette man and his Jasmine would

never forget.

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