his room. He hadn't even began to unpack when there were three men dressed in black escorting him to an blsck suv and took him the Mystic Bar & Grill on South Pulaski Road

. Inside he sat at a table where six other men was sitting playing Texas Holdem They insisted in him playing and he refused then one of those men said oh yea that's not your game.

He waved his hand to a man at a door and the door opened and several women dressed in strip joint clothing preceded to walk around him putting their hands on him When he rejected

them the men pulled out their guns and said who are you. The cigarette man promised them that he was just tired from his trip but watch him tomorrow they would see for themselves

how hospitable with women he can be.

​When he was taken back to the motel he went out to get sn ice buket full of ice and then preceded to the pop machine where he slipped around it and called Fred and told him about his

encountered and told Fred he was going to need some of Donna's micky juice so he could knock out those bimbos then undress them to make it look like he had sex with them. Fred just

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