only as The cigarette man. Jasmine was shocked. her mother went to her side and gave her a hug and all Jasmine wanted to do was die like heart was doing. Her

father helped her up and escorted her into her room that they had sat her up in on the bottom floor

​ Her mother tried to reach either agent Cully or Caulder without any luck. her father went back into Jasmine's room and told her it happen as they arrived at a mall

shooting and he was getting his bullet proof gear out of one of the FBI's car . He had no warning and he died instantly. It showed his body covered up with

​a pack of Winstons on the body bag.

​ Jasmine buried her head in the bear he had won for her that day at the carnival.Her mother came in with a cup of tea and sat on the bed next to her. She tried to

reassure her daughter every thing was going to be alright. Jasmine asked her momma what are going to do. Her mother's response was we are going to ddeal with this

one day at a time. When there was a knock on her door and then the door opened and there was another big bear just like the one she had been crying on. Jasmine said Copyright 2016 - 2025