Oh shut up and at least help me up.

He helps me up, And when I try to stand I almost fall over.

Damn are yu drunk,?

No I wish. My legs hurt and I was dizzy. I did just get in hard as fuck!

Okay, okay. Let's get you on that bench.

NO! I wanted to go get a drink. I Said in unsion.

Well you sit down, And i'll go get it. And What's your name?

Alana... And can yu make me a mixed drink please.

Yeah imma make me one too.

When he leaves I sit and wait. But it feels like somebody is watching me... What the fuck? It's kinda scary. Hurry up Jared!


What the fuck? Who's there? I yelled.

It's just me Alana...

I turn around to find Matt standing there smiling. Kinda drunk,

Oh hey matt what's up?

Well I was wondering if yu could help me with something...

Yeah I can what is it? Just show me.

It's kinda in the woods but not far...

Oh What is it?

Don't laugh okaay...

I won't.

It's my bottle. It's the last one and I don't like what's in there, Please just help me look for it.

Yeaah , Let's go,

It seemed like we were searching forever but it's only been like five minutes and still no bottle...

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