“That good, huh?” she chuckled. He nodded but didn’t stop sucking. The straw was too slow. He took the bag away from her with trembling hands. He pulled the straw out with his mouth and spit it across the room before slamming the bag to his teeth. He chugged the red liquid down until he had every drop. “More.” It was a demand.

She laughed softly. “Here you go.” She sat patiently by his side while he finished ten bags of blood. He couldn’t help but notice how adorable she looked in those cute little cotton shorts of hers. Finally he burped and sighed. He was done.

“Feeling better?” She ran her fingers through his greasy hair.

“Almost.” He jumped out of the bed with ease. All his strength was back and then some.

Madison gasped.

“What?” He looked down expecting to discover his dick was sticking out or something. Her eyes were glued to his chest. The wound was now completely gone, dissolving the stitches as well.

He ran a hand over the area. “It itches like hell. I need a shower.”

“That’s putting it lightly,” she returned automatically. She looked dazed.

“Er, thank you for the blood.”

She shook her head. “You’re welcome. Just glad that I was able to intercept your deliveries.”

He paused. “You intercepted my blood?”

“Of course. I figured that you had to have blood delivered otherwise there would be an epidemic of neck bites. It was just a matter of waiting.” She gestured towards her room. “I bought a mini fridge to keep it cool for you.”

Her concern for him made him uncomfortable. “Thank you. I’ll pay you of course. I appreciate it,” he said more harshly than he intended.

She rolled her eyes and walked past him towards her room. “Forget about it. I’ll see you around.”

“Wait!” he said suddenly. He didn’t know what to do or say but he wanted, no needed for her to stay. An entire week without seeing her practically killed him. There he admitted it to himself. He missed her.

It was easier when he was here and avoiding her mostly because he watched her from afar. Hell, he made it a point to watch her. Something other than her blood mesmerized him and he couldn’t understand this need to see her. If he didn’t think fast she was going to leave him now.

“Well?” she asked.

He half stumbled towards the bathroom. Okay, he faked it, but desperate times called for desperate measures. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he made an exaggerated effort to walk into the bathroom.

Ephraim risked a quick glance at her and had to look away to hide his grin. She bit her lip. Madison looked so adorable with an expression full of worry. He had to use this against her of course. He stumbled again.

“W-what do you need?”

He looked back at her, giving her a weak smile. “Could you wait until I’m done with my shower to make sure that I don’t black out before I get back in bed?” There was no way he was going to pass out, but she really didn’t need to know that. It would only be counterproductive to tell her.

For a moment she looked as if she was going to refuse. In the end she sighed and waved him forward. “Go ahead I’ll wait.” She sat on the edge of his bed prepared to wait.

“Thank you,” he said softly before continuing into the bathroom at an exaggerated rate. Once the door was shut he took the quickest shower of his life.

Ten minutes later Madison’s eyebrows shot up as Ephraim walked slowly back into his room. What the hell was he up to? She wasn’t an idiot after all. This little trick had been attempted by Jill and Joshua over the years. The whole “I’m too sick to go to school” bit was wasted on her.

If he was going to play then so was she. “You poor thing,” she gushed. His lips twitched, but he didn’t smile as she helped him into bed. She made a big show of fussing over him.

“What can I do for you?” she asked softly.

Christ that was unexpected. “Umm…..my back is sore?” He had to buy himself some time to think up something to keep her here.

She cooed, “Of course it is.” She gently gripped his shoulders and pulled him forward so she could reach around him and run her hands down his back. He’d only suggested it to buy some time until he figured out a way to make her stay longer, but once her hands started running down his back he couldn’t get enough of her touch.

It had been so long since someone had touched him with any amount of affection. Other than the occasional hugs from his brother, sister-in-law and nieces and nephews there had been no one to show him any sort of compassion. The women he slept with showed him nothing but desperation and need. They only touched him if it would somehow lead to their own pleasure. He’d never felt any sort of affection in their attentions.

Madison on the other hand, her touches were unmanning him. There was no way that he could miss what a kind selfless loving woman she was from the way she was touching him. It felt so good and he prayed that she would never stop.

She had to stop herself from licking her lips as she ran her hands over his back. Since they moved here she imagined what it would be like to run her hands over his body and now she was doing it.

This was meant to mess with him, but it wasn't turning out that way. She loved the feeling of his warm smooth skin beneath her hands. It was amazing how firm his back was. She leaned over him more so she that could rub further down his back. It took a soft groan to snap her out of her daze, he was playing with her and he was enjoying it.

Madison pulled back. “I’d say you were fine,” she said coldly.

He looked up and gently grabbed her arm. It took everything she had not to gasp. His clear deep blue eyes were filled with unshed tears.

“D-did I hurt you?” She somehow managed to ask.

“No,” his voice was hoarse. He looked away for a moment before looking back. Her heart broke. He looked so sad and lost. “Please, don’t stop,” he pleaded softly. “I-I know I don’t deserve it. I lied about being unwell…I just…” he licked his lips. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head before releasing her arm. “I’m so sorry about everything. The way I treated you that night when I…” He winced at the memory of shoving her hand over his erection. “I was an ass**le. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that and I am truly sorry.”

Ephraim looked so lost. “Would you please continue?” he asked softly. There was no doubt in her mind that it had cost him to show her any weakness and it humbled her.

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