Canto 55 - What of Seetha?

Died as embers in Lanka

So to quench his burning tail

Went upto beach then Hanuman.

Cooled as he tail by seashore

Felt then Hanuman thus in qualms.

Have I gone wrong by burning

Lanka to the last dwelling?

Was it all wrong on my part

Lost I bearing in my wrath?

Of all what that afflicts man

Anger takes the pride of place.

Drives to extremes man anger

Thought in his ’n deed as well.

Whoever can nip his anger

In the bud is man seasoned.

Reckoned as I not her welfare

On whom Rama stakes his life

Raison d’être of Odyssey mine

Doubt there none it’s foolhardy.

Now that Lanka is on fire

Wouldn’t have Seetha lost her life?

What for came I to Lanka

Is it to kill Rama’s wife?

While the going was so good

How come lost I my bearing!

Spared as fury of Fire God

Not a square inch of Lanka

Where was space for her to hide?

Were Seetha to perish in fire

How am I to show my face

To her Lord who trusted me.

Why not I now end my life

Why to go to Ram with guilt.

How am I go back to them

How to look all them in face?

How I subscribed to world-view

That vanars wouldn’t get focused!

To let him in spite all go wrong.

Makes man passion imperfect

Hear if they that Seetha died

Ram ’n Lakshman won’t live more.

At the death of their siblings

Bharat ’n Satrughn follow suit.

Reign if ends of Ikshvaakus

Orphaned would be world at large.

For the foolish act of mine

Won’t I turn the accursed soul?

As sunk Hanuman in sorrow

Omens he sighted all too good.

Felt he raging flames of fire

Won’t match power of Rama’s wife.

Won’t her aura keep at bay

Flames of raging fire from her.

Won’t the Fire God himself know

Touch he cannot Rama’s spouse?

How can ever be Rama’s wife

Destined to burn like some sack?

As well Agni spared my tail

Would he ever touch Seetha then?

Mainak as did offer help

To sustain cause of Lord Rama

Wouldn’t then Agni follow suit?

Won’t her love for Rama make

Lakshman rekha for Fire God?

Wavered as thus Hanuman then

Heard he angels speak in awe.

Gods too never dared to dream

Ever would Ravan get subdued,

With Lanka thus now on fire

Lankans have no place to hide.

What did Hanuman to Ravan

Was like taming lion on heat

In its own den with bare arms.

Turned though Lanka to ashes

Wonder what made tongues of fire

Leave out Rama’s spouse unscathed! Copyright 2016 - 2025