Sure thou soon would come to grief.

Know the rider that God put

For thee to keep death at bay

Is on hand to see thy end.

In battles all with gods and such

Boon hath it that come thou clean.

It’s thy fate that failed thee true

To seek no harm from men and us,

It’s thus Ram and we vanars

Bring would thy end in combat.

Lay not as knives two in sheath

So’s the case with good and bad.

Blessed as gods thee for good deeds

Punish they would now for foul acts.

How thou fail to see writing

On the wall when Seetha’s man

Could slay Vali thy equal!

Rama if were to give nod

For that matter I would now

Sink thy Lanka in the seas.

Tied are my hands for Rama

Vowed he would slay well in time

Hands with his own who that dared

Kidnap his dear spouse Seetha.

Spare would Rama not even

Indra were to harm his cause,

What would come of folk like thee

Were they to cross swords with him?

Know Seetha thou here confine

Would cause curtains to come down

On the Lankan stage of thine.

She’s like the hangman’s rope

Brought by thyself to Lanka

On thine own to hang thyself.

With her power of chariness

Burn as well she might thy land.

Why drag down them all of them

Hordes of wives and thy siblings.

O Ravan the Lankan king

Heed thee advice of Sugreev.

Know Ram is no mere mortal

Power hath he to destroy all

Exists whatever in three worlds

And bring life back onto earth.

In all races of worlds all

None there equals him as man.

Makes it’s no joke to join

Battle with the god in him.

That thou hurt the god on earth

Hope there none for thee in life.

In their bid to save thy life

All three worlds if ever combine

Yet Ram would make bite thee dust.

Destined if were one to die

At the hands of Seetha’s man

Gods themselves know wash their hands.

Treating Hanuman’s words ranting

Lost his cool then Lankan king. Copyright 2016 - 2025