Canto 50 - Cause of Loss

Seeing Hanuman unshaken

Smitten was Ravan by doubts then.

Wondered Ravan if bull god

Cursed him when he shook Kailash

Came in disguise to harm thus.

Or could he be that Banasur

Came in form of this vanar?

Clueless as was Ravan then

Prahastha he then addressed thus:

Wish I Prahastha thee find out

Wherefore came this simian fiend,

What was at his back of mind

Spoiled when he our garden?

Trespass why did he Lanka

Made him what to give us fight?

Assured Prahastha then vanar

Harm him none would in Lanka.

Promised he then safe passage

To trespasser there thus lay trapped.

Have thou come to spy on us

Sent by gods from heaven itself?

Clear it’s all from thy valour

That thou art no mean vanar.

Mince no words ’n bare the truth

That we could thee free forthwith.

If thou try to sidetrack us

Know that will be at thy risk.

Hanuman in turn told Ravan

That his trip had none to do

With the gods that Lankans scorned.

Am I from the vanar ranks

Came to see thee king Ravan.

Spoiled I know thy garden

That thy guards would usher me

To thy court O Lankan king.

Came as thy guards to kill me

Slain them just to save my life.

Stunned as Indrajit me then

With the aid ofBrahmastra

Blessed as I was by Brahma

Came I soon out of its spell.

On my own I came to thee

None as ever would contain me.

Know me as the one sent by

Rama to make truce with thee. Copyright 2016 - 2025