With such aim to hit bull’s-eye

But swift as Hanuman in mid-air

Kept he ever thus out of range.

Sight all this made exciting

For all those who came to watch them.

Hanuman then was all at sea

How to conquer Ravan’s son,

Latter too seemed have no clue

How to tackle foe his strange.

Worried all looked Indrajit

For his failure to bring down

Foe of Lanka with his skills.

Realized Indrajit at length

Hard it was to slay Hanuman.

So he thought it fit to use

Brahmastrato stun Hanuman.

Invoked Indrajit Brahma

Powers he arrow of his sharp

To stun Hanuman out of wits.

With the power ofBrahmastra

Lay then Hanuman unconscious.

Hanuman by the blessings of

Brahma his own grandfather

In time regained consciousness.

Having realized Ravan’s son

Tied him with theBrahmastra

Recalled Hanuman boon he got

From Brahma to safeguard him.

How were Indrajit to know

Made me Brahma exempt from

Mantra invoked in his name?

Aware got he unshackled

From the grip ofBrahmastra

Thought he fit to lay low then

Out of respect for the Lord

Brahma who gave birth to his

Father Vayu rules who skies.

Feared not Hanuman Indrajit

Blessed as he was by Brahma.

Taken he would be captive

All too well then Hanuman knew.

Feigned as Hanuman in coma

Sent men Ravan’s son to him.

Chose as he to turn captive

Lost no time then Ravan’s men

To tie his frame then tip to toe.

Wanting then to meet Ravan

Hanuman bore the insults all

Thrown at him by Lankans then.

Soon as Lankans tied vanar

With ropes made of strong coir

Eased out its forceBrahmastra.

Realized Indrajit in time

Foolishness it was to use

Ropes to augmentBrahmastra.

At loss was thus Indrajit

How to tackle Hanuman then

Got who freed from Brahmastra.

Pricked as Lankans all the way

Kept mum Hanuman in the hope

Led he would be to Ravan.

Let thus Hanuman to take him

Though he could have freed himself.

In time to the Lankan court

Brought was Hanuman tied in ropes.

Took a hard look Ravan then

At that vanar who looked strong.

In whispers then Ravan’s court

Wondered at the developments.

Angered were all those nobles

Slew that he their kith and kin,

Soon as they saw Hanuman thus

Brayed all they for blood of his.

At the sight of Ravan’s court

The like of which he never saw

Wondered Hanuman for his part.

Ravan as he saw Hanuman

Pushed ’n prodded by his guards

Seemed too nonplussed as it were.

Espied as he thus Ravan

Had who aura of but God

Stunned no end was Hanuman then.

Lost as Ravan his cool soon

Wanted he to go to roots,

Bid he thus his men enquire

How come Hanuman did trespass.

Council as then questioned him

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