Canto 47 - Akshay’s Life on Line

Heard as all of Durdhar’s fall

Akshay truly itched for fight.

Fell as Ravan’s eyes on him

Bowed his son with golden bow.

In his chariot made of gold

Rode as Akshay to Hanuman

Seemed he like the sun on move.

Wind God it beats at his game

Akshay’s chariot drawn by eight.

Custom built in heaven itself

Out-maneuvers it all on earth.

Battles as he from that frame

None can ever face Akshay then.

With such battle guard Akshay

Went to confront Hanuman then.

Like the lion on hunt Akshay

Looked at Hanuman as his prey.

Having met his match Akshay

Felt eager to fight Hanuman.

To tease the vanar to fight him

Shot Akshay then three arrows.

Failed as they to hurt his foe

Saw the fight on hand Akshay.

Hanuman too then came to see

Makes Akshay hard nut to crack.

Raged as battle between them

Stopped all worlds to witness that.

Bull’s eye hit those arrows three

Aimed by Akshay at Hanuman’s

Head that he held ever so high.

Blood as spilled on his frame thus

Made him seem the morning sun.

Enthused by the fight on hand

Enhanced his frame then Hanuman.

So to account his foe’s affront

Destroyed vanar Akshay’s force.

Angered at that Akshay then

Aimed arrows in scores at him,

Akin that was to downpour

Of monsoon on mountain then.

Prowess at such of Akshay

Shouted Hanuman his salute.

Went as the praise to his head

Taunted Akshay Hanuman then

To fight the one whom angels dread.

Hurt though he was by arrows

Sent in rows by Akshay’s bow

To take then on the daring youth

Jumped up Hanuman high in skies.

With no respite to Hanuman

Aiming arrows thick and fast

As would hailstorm hill terrain

Chased him all the way Akshay.

With his lightning reflexes

Escaped arrows all Hanuman.

Taking Akshay’s tender youth

Though he was no babe at arms

Felt like sparing him Hanuman.

But then Akshay was intent

To take the vanar his captive.

Matchless prowess of Akshay

Made the son of Vayu think

Youth he was not meant to die.

Lad this Ravan’s on his own

Could bring gods ’n angels too

Knees on to theirs in battles.

Battle that’s on hand I now

Looks he’s gaining upper hand.

Fail if I now to confine him

Shame me he would in no time.

No way out for me but now

Than slay Akshay Ravan’s son.

Killed as prelude then Hanuman

Stallions eight of Akshay’s cart.

Broke as Hanuman his vehicle

Hors de combat turned Akshay.

Not the one to get daunted Copyright 2016 - 2025