Canto 40 - Repeats the Dose

Spurred as Seetha by pep talk

Spoke she then with fortitude.

Words thy no less drops of rain

Land on that so parched for long.

In the despaired heart of mine

Seed like words as sowed by thee

Seem they turned all sprouts of hope.

Ever I cherish the time I spent

With my beloved spouse Rama,

Keep in mind to remind my Lord

The tale of crow that lost its eye.

In that night-long lovemaking

Smudged as dot my vermillion

Remind my Ram that he fashioned

Dot on my cheek not forehead.

How a valorous man like Ram

Fails to wreck his vengeance on

Man who came to snare his wife?

Let him know that this diadem

Which I got at our wedding

Helps me think of him fondly.

Now that I have parted with

Let him know that have I none

Helps that to soothe my torment.

It’s the hope of meeting him

With which I bear slights all these.

Live I thirty days in hope

Fails if my Lord me by then

Left I with but no option

Than to take my life on own.

Ram if fails to come in time

With no reason to live more,

Ogles at me as Ravan

Bear I won’t his lustful look.

Sank as Seetha in sorrow

Spoke thus vanar to cheer her.

Swear I do now by thy man

Fond he is no less of thee.

Now that I traced thee at last

For the end of thy sorrows

Note the count down hath started.

As and when I let him know

Though art confined by Ravan

To land in Lanka with vanars

Wastes not Ram a second even.

Battle Royal that follows

Ensures Ram would slay Ravan.

To spur on Rama even more

Why not give me something more?

Show if thou him my diadem

To spur him on to fight for me

Need there none for something else.

Enthused by her words Hanuman

Stirred his frame to fly back home.

Grew as he in size Hanuman

In awe Seetha gazed at him.

At the prospect of his loss

Spoke to him in tears Seetha.

Tell my man ’n his sibling

Suffering am in anxiety.

How to rescue me in time

Counsel Rama O Hanuman.

Fare thee well O dear vanar

Know I wish thee bon voyage.

To journey back to Kishkindha

All set Hanuman to leave her. Copyright 2016 - 2025