Canto 38 - Story to Tell

Respect with all due to her

Addressed Hanuman thus Seetha.

Surmise I can from thy words

What a woman of virtue makes.

It was not a fair offer

For the fair sex on my part

Help I them as piggyback.

Intent that thine not to touch

Someone other than thy husband

Made I know thee stay thus put.

One so chastely as Seetha

Is there ever in all three worlds!

Won’t I tell Ram in detail

Spoke thee what and all I saw.

Urge it’s mine to bring an end

To the suffering of thee both

That was at the back of mind

Offered when I thee my back.

Thought I fit to offer help

Takes as it some time for Ram

Reach to Lanka with his force.

Owing to my love for Ram

Without further loss of time

Thought I would fetch his beloved.

Canst if thou come back with me

Bestow something that soothes him.

Moved to core as Rama’s wife

Spoke with ardour to Hanuman.

Dost thou remind my man then

The story of that amorous crow.

It was during our outing

On the banks of Mandakin

Happened that in broad daylight.

Stayed we then at Siddhashram

Laid which was in thick garden.

Lay as I in Rama’s lap

Having lapped up garden path,

Got a crow at my bosom

Dropped I pallu chasing it.

Pushed as that I in dismay

Back it came to try its luck.

Lord mine witnessed that tussle

In which my breasts got exposed.

Amused by its eagerness

Teased as Ram with innuendos

Kept I blushing all the while.

Scolded him as I roundly

Me he took then in embrace

Smiled he sweetly to soothe me.

Tears that gushed then from my eyes

Streams as they made on my cheeks

Wiped them he to comfort me.

Sapped as I lay in his lap

Slumbered I for so long thus.

Woke up as I my man took

Turn his to rest on my thigh.

Finding my man in deep sleep

Back came that crow to resume

Beaked it flesh from my bosom.

Bore all as I fearing that

Gets disturbed my man in sleep

Blood in streams from my valley

Made its way to Rama’s chest.

Having woke up by its warmth

Saw my Lord then my torment.

Hurt as I was by that crow

Pearl like breasts mine turned corals.

Saw as Ram that eager crow

With its blood stained beak ’n all

Gripped was my Lord with anger.

Oh, that crow was Kakasur

Happened to be Indra’s son

Known to cover the earth and all

With the matching speed of sound.

Seeing Rama’s blood red eyes

Saw the danger Kakasur

Flew thus swiftly in panic.

Upset by the hurt it caused Copyright 2016 - 2025