Canto 31 - Rama’s Ballad

For Seetha’s ears then Rama’s tale

Sang in sonorous tone Hanuman.

In lineage old of Ikshvaakus

Known to all for his valour

Dasarath was the reigning king.

Noble as he was the king

Valued was he like a saint

Power he had to rival gods.

Generous was he by nature

Took he care of his subjects

Ruled he like a god on earth.

For his righteous reign Dasarath

Earned he fame the world over.

Esteemed he his eldest son

Known to all as Lord Rama,

Prowess his to target well

Arrows at his enemies awe.

Wavers not he from dharma

Adheres he to human rights

Keeps his word at every turn

Gives no quarter to enemies.

Stepmother of Ram, Kaikeyi

Wanted who crown for her son

Coerced as she Dasarath then

Gave up Ram thus his birthright

So led Seetha with Lakshman

To the thick woods of Dandak.

Demons that ruled roost in Dandak

Menaced they folk lived all there

Killed them all Ram at one go

Restored he thus righteous reign.

At the news of kindred’s death

Thought of settling scores Ravan,

So he summoned Maareecha

Turned who into golden deer

Tempting Seetha to seek him,

Sent then Seetha Ram to fetch

Magic deer that stole her heart,

Arrow when Ram’s hit Maareech

Rent he cries then mimicking him

Made which Seetha fear for Ram,

Goaded Rama’s wife Lakshman

To go in search of his sibling,

With none there to stand by her

Kidnapped Ravan Seetha then.

Set as he on search for spouse

Came Ram in touch with Sugreev

Stole whose wife his own sibling.

To uphold dharma then Rama

Slew he Vali that mighty

Helping Sugreev ascend throne.

In time as per pact he made

Sent Sugreev his vanar force

In search of Seetha thus missing.

It’s my fortune that I came

Place to this in search of her.

Picture have I of Seetha

Painted for me by Rama.

Won’t this lady well tally

Picture with that Ram gave me?

Spake as he with all his warmth

Looked up Rama’s wife in hope.

Found though she no soul in sight

What she heard then made her glad.

Sensing Seetha’s upbeat mood

From hideout then came out Hanuman. Copyright 2016 - 2025