Wail all thee in every hearth.

Comes all this true when Rama

Learns here Ravan confines me.

Lands as Ram in hot pursuit

Ravan would have no respite.

Naïve is Ravan for he gloats

That he kept me on death row.

Won’t he shortly come to know

That he himself dug his grave?

Deserve demons no more now

Graves than mass in barren lands.

Having put a brave face thus

Gripped was Seetha yet by doubts!

Can I come to see my Ram

Should vile Ravan keeps his word

And gets served me for breakfast?

Might my Lord have thought I died

Or else wouldn’t he scan all earth?

Taking me for dead and gone

Man mine would have given up life.

Won’t he gladden gods all there

Stay with his in heaven of theirs?

Would a godly man like Ram

Need to keep his woman in mind?

Out of sight is out of mind

Maybe norm with all humans,

With his sense of fairness Ram

Won’t he cherish his life with me?

Wonder how I met this fate

Being wife of such great soul!

Turned as void for his loss

Why hanker for life I now?

Having lost the will to fight

What if Ram ’n Lakshman too

Penance to taken in despair!

Who knows wily Ravan didn’t

Contrive death of Ram and him.

See I no end of misery

Carry why now more of it?

Come I nowhere near yogis

For whom joys and sorrows

Meaning have none of their own.

But the rest all gloat fortune

And get shaken by hard times.

Ram as is not there to guide

Why not I take my own life?

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